How is it not frustrating to deal with these “new” kids who don’t listen don’t search, and have absolutly no clue as to how any motor vehicle operates, as well a complete lack of understanding of the engligh language, and genreal lazyness. Half of the gawd damned posts I ha read in the last month are simple things that if SEARCHED for would have provided many anwers, and multiple threads on the subject. Not only that, when told EXACTLY what to do, they don’t have a F’ing clue, don’t listen to the instructions and repeat, or ask annother moronic question that was answered in the post above that. WTF
I’m all for giving kids the benefit of the doubt, but when they don’t listen, don’t do anything for themselves, and ignore the good advise given to them (and to top it all of can’t type spell or use the english langauge to ANY extent) How am I not suppsoe to rip on them and Make ther sorry asses feel as stupid as they actually are.