Making Jerky tips advice

Im going on a two week backpacking trip into the mountains of ID.

and i am going to start sliceing up some roast’s to make into to jerky to vacume pack to take with us.

anyone have any good tips…

i have a jerky oven rack and a dehydrator

i like the oven rack the best…

don your recipie was real good could you share?

Liquid smoke, brown sugar, Peper and teriyaki sauce. Mix is together and let it sit over night.

Thats what I use, Its good.

Have fun on your trip, ID is nice my mom lives there in Idaho Falls.

The few times I made it, I used that same recipe. Was really good.

lol :finger:

not sure which stuff you tried… i experiment alot. one is worseshire and soy sauce with pepper and brown sugar and of course salt.another one i add A1 steak sauce to it and alittle bit of hickory smoke. the one you probably had was a mix of backwoods brand jerky mix original or hickory. then i add alot of soysauce to it and black pepper. the soy and the pepper is what makes it tast like wild bills. and depending on who eats it, i’ll add ceyanne pepper or red pepper to it to “kick it up a notch”. i almost always use a dehydrator, but i have messed around with the oven. i set it at 200 for the first 1/2hr, then down to 175 till there done. i leave the door open a few inches. i’ve also used a hickory hunk that had soaked in water for awhile. i wrap it in alum-foil and set it near the burner. it smolders and smokes the jerky. also stinks the house up. (if you wear the pants, go for it. lol) so basically what i’m saying is for the wild bill flavored stuff it’s easiest to just buy a mix and add to it.

make sure you use enough salt but not tooooo much. The longer it you let it marinade the better!

Taste tester :x:
i will tell you if acceptable

Well here is the recipe I use for Jerky:

4 tablespoons of soy sauce
4 tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoon of ketchup
1/4 teaspoon of garlic powder
1/4 teaspoon of onion salt
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 tablespoon of liquid smoke
1/4 teaspoon of pepper (add more for hotter jerky)

Marinate the meat (1pound) for at least an hour. Drain off the marinate and place on trays. Follow the drying instructions from your dehydrator.

Good Luck, let me know how it turns out for you!

This is the closest I have ever tried that tastes like wild bill’s. If i make 5 pounds, in a day they are gone. My kid and wife love it. The key is to let it marinade a LONG time…

not to hijack your thread, but:

What kind of meat/cut is best to use? And what if you don’t have a deyhdrator…whats best. I wanna make some jerky!!

yeah so do I. I’ve wanted to for years, just too lazy

You can get a roast at any local food store. Its a bit easier to cut it up when its a little frozen.

I use a dehydrator but you can use an oven, I never did it like that before.

pretty close to mine except i don’t use anywhere near that much liquid smoke. it ruins the flavor when you use to much.

Mine is pretty close to this. Haven’t made any in a while so trying to remember. Something like: 3 tbsp Worchestershire, 2 tbsp soy, 2 tbsp A-1, 1 tsp liquid smoke, 1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp, garlic powder, 1/4 tsp brown sugar (per pound of roast)

Get something with as little fat or marbling as possible. (Made that mistake before) I’ve tried the oven but prefer the dehydrator. The dehydrator will do about 3 lbs of roast at a time.

Oh, yeah. Use 1 drop of Dave’s Insanity sauce per pound of beef to kick it up a notch. Don’t use any more or your butt will hurt the next day. (made that mistake before, too.)

thanks guys

im thawing out some roasts over the weekend and then geting them sliced

i need to make alot

mmmmmmm Jerky

I use flank steaks, cheap and only have to cut into strips


i just use deer meat.

about how thick should the slices be?? and what the cooking time/temp. if the oven is used…I was thinking it would a low heat setting for a long period of time??

175-200 degrees. door left partially open. time varies with thickness oven temp and desired texture. do you want it slightly moist? dry? tough rubbery? you can do chunks or strips. strips are best around 1/4" thick. throw a batch in on the lowest oven setting and just keep checking till your happy