Male Birth Control - RISUG / Vasalgel / COSO

Gives new meaning to the phrase “seed money”

on a serious note I’d be down. But not the first round of batches. It’s like a new model car. Wait at least 2 years for the manufacturer to figure out the bugs.

They’ve been using it for 7+ years already. I’d be less concerned with the product and more concerned with the doctor’s needling skills…

For real, how many of y’all have gotten ‘the snip’?


I dub this the “dick dipper”

Before its first use, the gadget would be configured by a doctor to suit the user’s testicle shape and size.

The testicles are placed inside and ultra-sounded for a few minutes.

A COSO app, which can be shared with a partner, would keep track of treatments and remind men when to use the gadget again.

I’m going to pass on that.

I’ve got the perfect product pitch for them… “It’s like a microwave, but for your balls”


That woman looks like a sociopath

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my balls are ready

Bump for another man-pill

The new treatment wears off within hours. Men would take it only when, and as often, as needed. It could allow men to make day-to-day decisions about their fertility, the researchers explain.

I’m going to pass on “things that make men infertile”


Suck it up and snip it!

Another man-pill in the works. But I think after COVID & reading quotes like this I’m less likely to want to put this into my body, lol.

“When we add the drug, the stem cells fall out of sync with the pulses of retinoic acid, and sperm production is halted, but as soon as we take the drug away, the stem cells can reestablish their coordination with retinoic acid and sperm production will start up again.”

I’ll get a vasectomy and take the pill. Can’t be too cautious.

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