Pregnant-this possible?

I call BS but my friend said him and his girl were “playing around”.
He pulls out and goes on her stomach. He leaves the room and HE SAYS she musst have put her finger in it and put it inside her cuz he knows he pulled out. Now he’s scared as F.

I call BS. I dont think its possible.

why is this on an automotive forum? no offense but i think your better off going on yahoo answers or something…

its possible


its actually more potent then cum

lol at the responses to come

:piccard: ban

she had to finish what he could not

and everygirl over 12 should be on birth control


:lol: Oh come on. Who’s troll account is this?


possible…sperm can live in a woman for 2 to 4 days depending…

it’s unlikely that with the small amount she was able to push up there with her finger, and the limited distance she could push it up with a finger…but still possible.

knowing girls though, she just has a strong fear of abandonment from him, and is taking extreme measures to ensure he sticks around. have they had recent relationship problems, or any fights recently? girls can be shady as fuck and do insane shit and make up insane lies to keep a guy around if they fear losing him.

Beckington? Cuban?

wow, this is going to get good. And yes it could happen, does happen and will keep happening till the end of time.

^^^oh oh is she single?? im in


and yes my wife had a kid on the pull out idea

it is possible… all you need is 1 sperm in a million to fertilize an egg. Could have been pre-ejaculate… he should have had anal or gotten head instead.

He should have just stuck it in her butt.

Edit: ^^ beat me too it.


lol 11 members looking

he was thinking once it touches air “it dies”

forgot to mention he said she said she was a virgin…
he said “her cheery” never poped so he figured he didnt go deep enough to get her pregnant

i just told him he had a small wanker

usually it does. but precum is a bitch…

if she was a virgin then she clearly is panicking that he’s going to leave her…she’s not pregnant, i’ll put money on it. i doubt she even put it in herself…prob just said that to make him feel obligated to stick around.

fucking psycho chicks piss me off…aka, almost all of them…