Pregnant-this possible?


what the fuck is wrong with you. you’re 14 aren’t you.


they have been dating about 3months…not sure if they have had arguments

virgin or not, it doesn’t matter. how old is your friend, 12?:blah:

or she wasn’t a virgin…

20 and shes 19

he said he has known her for yrs and never dated anyone…not a party girl either.

he believes her but…it doesnt take much to lie

thread of the day… 19 members viewing LOL

20 viewing hah

tell ur friend to wrap his tool and give her a nice blow to the stomach…problem solved…morning after pilll…tell him to have her get a test done b4 he panics for nothing.

IF she is a virgin then she cant get pregent
IF SHES NOT then she can, he has a small piece and she lied to him


ok dude you’re fucking retarded. read the 2 posts i made previously…and everything will be answered for you. you and your friends have obviously never taken any health classes at all, and don’t know shit about how many girls tend to think and act.

lock this thread, i’m frustrated with how dumb this n00b is

virgins can get pregnant…penis size has nothing to do with it…

haaaa haa haaa

Nothing a push down the stairs can’t fix



also tell him to ditch the psycho bitch that need to put his cum in her…to get him to stay around