Pregnant-this possible?

i’ve wanted to, for a long time, make a motivational poster with a pic of the landing of a staircase…and at the bottom are a bunch of straightened coat hangers pointing upward…with the caption reading “PREVENTATIVE MEASURES: you can never be too sure”

yea i never really did pay attention in health classes, never really cared
HAH he probably didnt either

Someone this dumb should not reproduce!

LOL i like that, suprise abortion! Now if he did suprise BUTTSEX we wouldnt be having this discussion would we

i always thought the “cheery” was like the front door to the area where the eggs stay on the wall from the tubes.
poped cheery, door open, baby time

no dont lock lets start some fun


lol seriously who is this

really, dumb fucks. She should be on the pill, or his tool should be wrapped. To do it raw dog with no pill, well what the fuck did you think would happen. SEX WAS DESIGNED TO MAKE BABIES, do it all natural, and you get what nature intended. Dumb dumb mother fuckers.



go read up on sex ed and define cherry

jesus fuck

no wonder 1/4 youngsters have STD’s.


does this thread make anyone else here feel “old”? whats wrong with kids these days…

It is fucked up, I don’t personally believe in abortion, then again, I can’t believe how stupid ‘your friend’ is!

heres 7 simple steps

Step one- Pull head out of ass

Step two- Call planned parenthood and make appt

Step three- access seriousness of issue

Step four- discuss life altering situation without aid of local car forum

Step five- accept fact you have just fucked up your life forever

Step six- go out and get a minium of two jobs

Step seven - Revel in how good it felt for 10 seconds as this is your new life for at least the next 18 years


agreed Syclone11
abortion isnt the answer
he messed up and now he must reap what he sowed

boost on this, do you work at Praxair?