Man Builds His Own Machine to Battle Cancer

The video is kinda long, but well worth the watch, especially if you know someone affected by cancer.


John Kanzius fought his leukemia head on, inventing a machine that may someday offer effective treatment for cancers without the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy. Lesley Stahl reports.


I saw this on some tv like dateline or something the other night. The guy was treating himself during the interview.

Fixed for the grammar police

This was on 60 minutes on Sunday. Sadly Kanzius is dead…from cancer, but his idea to use radio waves to heat up the microscopic metal (gold) particles to burn away cancer is doing pretty damn well so far in testing. The Dr. that was on the show said if all goes well you may see it tested on humans in 2-4 years.

you did not seen this…

Too bad his machine, as he used it did not work and he died. Over all looks very promising and seam like a simple straight forward way to kill cancer cells. I’m surprised no one has thought of this before.

I’m hoping this does go well and will be beneficial to killing cancer. It’s remarkable that this man who basically has no degree or any cancer knowledge built a machine, which at the end of the video seems to be killing cancerous cells.

Nanotechnology FTW.


he died, it didn’t work or show any real promise of helping. so no, this is not helpful to anybody.


You can only be riddled with cancer for so long before it eventually takes over.

I applaud him for going out and actually looking for a cure for something he knew he was going to die from.

I guess I don’t applaud delusional people. why not a time machine instead?

Results don’t matter to our generation, only intent. Everyone gets a trophy.

Did anybody watch the video? Yes he died. But he was using the Radio wave machine without the metal nano particles. The metal nano particles attach themselves only to cancer cells and the radio waves heat up the metal killing the cancel cells they are attached to. The doctor who has furthered developement of the technology said he was able to kill 100% of cancer cells in his trials and they are 2-4 years away from human testing.

The idea is very interesting.

well, if you watched the whole video, it is having a 100% kill rate when used with the metal particles in testing. it had no effect without the metal particles.

edit: beat to it…

:rubicant: saw

Well, no real proven effects without the metal. Kanzius appeared to be healthier and rejuvenated, but doctors believe it could have been the result of his body off of Chemotherapy.

He had terminal leukemia, and his outlook was grave. Why not give it a shot, what’s the worst that could happen? The end of the video showed the machine killing 100% of the cancer cells with the gold nanocells injected.

when I watch 60 minutes this last sunday, the article ended with the doctor who promised to continue his work saying it didn’t look likely to work.

Did you even watch the damn video? the only reason it didnt help HIM was because he was not using the metal particals with the RF treatment. The doctor said right out at the end of the video that his idea is WORKING and he is developing the right combination of nanomolocules to attach to the cancer.

I just wish this tech was feasable now. Chemo and Radiation is HORRIBLE. I would not wish this shit on even my worst enemy.