Man buys motorcycle, crashes on the way home

There are

Road Conditions
Mechanical failures
Other drivers
And of course yourself.

You are only one part of 6 that can kill you at any point in time.

Road conditions are your responsibility. Be aware and ride within sight distances.

Nature is no different on a bike than in a car. Watch for deer. I’ve never hit one on either.

Weather… watch the news. Stay home if it’s going to be shitty. No one thinks you’re a badass. (I ride in bad weather, not saying it’s smart.)

Mechanical failure is up to you to prevent. You’re riding a two wheeled rocket, if you’re too dumb to keep it safe then you deserve what you get really.

Other drivers are the one thing working against bikers.

The rider himself doesn’t really count, as every factor above goes into what a rider is or isn’t. Know your limits, know the roads, know the weather, know your bike, and know that everyone is out to kill you. I’m a firm believer that the only thing you can not control is everyone around you. The rest is up to you.

Gravel around a blind turn on a 45 mph road or oil being dumped in front of you by a car breaking down isn’t your responsibility, you can’t account for freak events otherwise we’d all be going 10mph everywhere.

Watching for deer doesn’t help you when they run out in front of you or even run into you. You can’t seriously expect that people only hit deer on purpose or ignorance. I’ve known a rider that got hit by a geese on the highway. His fault too?

Good luck planning the weather and avoiding it when you go on a multi state, multi day trip.

Ok if you can guarantee me that nothing on your bike will ever break including blow outs on tires or picking up nails etc, you are my hero.

If you’re superhuman as by your descriptions you are and very smart, you should be able to avoid other drivers as well. Stay off major roads, don’t ride at peak hours, keep track of every car on the road and dont let them hit you. It’s nothing crazier than avoiding road debris and deer.


Oil viscosity.