Man buys motorcycle, crashes on the way home

QUEENSBURY, N.Y. – A man crashes his new motorcycle, shortly after driving it off the lot.

Warren county sheriffs said Ricky Tennant Senior of Corinth was heading west on Clendon Brook Road when the accident happened.

They said he lost control of the 2011 Suzuki while trying to round a curve. The motorcycle left the road, struck a tree and Tennant was thrown off the bike. He was brought by ambulance to Glens Falls hospital for his injuries.

Officials said Tennant was driving the motorcycle home after he had just bought it from a dealer. He does not have a license to operate a motorcycle and was ticketed for Operating Out of Class.

No part on that surprises me.

How much you want to bet it was a blue and white GSXR?

Well, at least he is not dead or killed anyone; Which could easily have happened.

That $150/month payment just got a lot more expensive.

This happened last year too guy leaving spitzies(spelling?) on a Harley not even a mile on the bike got tboned by a truck right on the corner of demacos sadly he did not live…

A mile? Try 100 ft. he was pulling out of the parking lot.

If it’s Queensbury it’s likely Sportline. I’m surprised they sold it and let him ride away without having an endorsement.

Crashing in a turn alone and getting slammed by a truck are way different.

Fresh tires, no experience, cold tires at that, salty dirty roads… Yup.

I’ll raise the stakes, I’ll say it was a black Gixxer 600 to 750 wearing only a helmet as protective gear possible an Icon or some other cheaper helmet.



Wasn’t that because he couldn’t negotiate the turn?

Sounds like an Allstate commercial.

Gundam, i’m unsure. I actually never got the final details on that story. I still think it’s different.

Not surprising at all. Some ppl rly think that if they can drive a car they can ride a bike

Lulz @ squids

Yeah it probably was sportline… i bought my bike there thought it was a great dealership.

I also heard the guy from Spitzies got it right out of the parking lot and he was supposedly not a new rider… from what i heard.

There are guys who have been riding for years that still don’t know how to RIDE a motorcycle.

Def agree wih this and story goes the guy never looked where he was going and he ran into the truck well that’s what Greg the tech at spitzies said

Hate to say it… but I think this year is going to be even worse than last year.

That’s damn sad. I don’t know how anyone can ride let alone drive without checking their Blind spot before turning.:Idiots

4 already dead and last year ended at 14 right?

It doesn’t have to be that way, the sad thing is some don’t get a second chance to realize that…

There’s just so many factors working against motorcyclists.

Mostly just retards in cars. Everything else is preventable.