Man Hurt Using Shotgun to Loosen Lug Nut

All I can say is wow
Man Hurt Using Shotgun to Loosen Lug Nut
By Associated Press

8:22 AM CST, November 13, 2007


A man trying to loosen a stubborn lug nut blasted the wheel with a 12-gauge shotgun, injuring himself badly in both legs, sheriff’s deputies said.

The 66-year-old man had been repairing a Lincoln Continental for two weeks at his home northwest of Southworth, about 10 miles southwest of Seattle, and had gotten all but one of the lug nuts off the right rear wheel by Saturday afternoon, Kitsap County Deputy Scott Wilson said.

“He’s bound and determined to get that lug nut off,” Wilson said.

From about arm’s length, the man fired the shotgun at the wheel and was “peppered” in both legs with buckshot and debris, with some injuries as high as his chin, according to a sheriff’s office report.

“Nobody else was there and he wasn’t intoxicated,” Wilson said.

The man was taken to Tacoma General Hospital with injuries Wilson described as severe but not life-threatening.

Copyright 2007 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

why would he think that would work?

cuz hes old

hahahaha, that guy rules

Darwin missed :frowning:

maybe he just got that frustrated

LOL :rofl:x23762347896, BUT DID IT WORK?

man… if he only shot from an angle!

but if it took off a lug nut don’t you think it’d fuck up the rim pretty bad anyways?

its a lincoln continental so who care’s? he probably banged it into a bunch of things anyway so i’m sure it’s covered in dents and scratches anyway

The only logical way that could work is if you had a torque bar on the lugnut, and you put the stock of the shotgun on it and fired it into the air, to use to kick to break it free. but even that is retarded

There’s been a few rusty bolts I would have loved to have taken a shotgun to but I usually settled on penetrating oil or a torch instead…


Darwin missed :frowning:



shoulda used a slug lol



Like we haven’t all gotten so pissed off at a nut that wouldn’t bust loose that we wanted to shoot it. We just all happen to be intelligent enough to not follow through with that emotion. This guy… Not so much…

“Do you feel lucky punk?.. WELL Do you?”

I don’ know how many times my old man said he was ready to just shoot something that was old and shitty and not working properly.

Who the fuck would stand facing a steel wall or rim in this instance, take a shotgun and aim it at the wall/rim and fire. I bet this guy is the ‘hunter’ that has never gotten a single deer in deer season.

He probably didn’t shoot the damned thing on purpose you guys. He was probably using the barrel as a pipe for leverage.


What an asshole…

Seriously who works on a lincoln??

Just read this topic too. Not sure if its a repost, but public transportation is around for a reason

that stupid thing has been x-posted for years.