man i feel bad for this guy..

I think i would just die if my car like that got stolen…why do people steal its so stupid and makesme mad…hopefully he gets his car back.

its a really nice blue… the lights in my garage don’t do it justice at all.

Seth unless your justin (I dont think you are) I ought to punch you in the throat for even implying you have that car in your garage thats the most unfunny thing to say about this. unless you want everyone to think your a thief for what ever reason.

lol seth, ill definatly keep my eyes open but i dont think theyll be parting that out, swap the vins and sell it over seas or somthing would be my guess.

me too man, i feel bad for him. I hope the guy who stole the car gets found and beaten, then returned the car, then beaten once more and then handed to the police

settle down. seriously, stress does bad things to your health.

it’s true, no one can take a joke on son anymore.

Thats a very nice S13, hope he gets it back all intack.