Man kept Daughter in basement 24yrs, had 7 kids w/her

I guess a dingo didn’t eat his baby.

There is no punishment that would truly be fitting.
The punishment is only supposed to make society feel better.
A slow torturous death is deserved, but would it make
anything better.


Just kill em all, IMO.

That dude had it made for 24 years. How the hell did he screw it up?

Seriously whats better then locking up a girl in your basement to do what you please with her?

That girl being your own daughter, thats what is better.

The other 3 kids weren’t locked up because they were boys! Come on now dad/grandpa isn’t a fag!

The only thing that really sucks is that she is 42, which is way too old to do porno, maybe she could do some bestiality’s shit or something.

Maybe the daughters/granddaughters could be brought into the loving world of porno though, maybe they could have a few scenes in a dungeon.

I really don’t understand why the daughter didn’t kill her father. She obviously knew what life was about. Unless he said he would kill the three boys if she hurt him or something weird.

It would be interesting to see an interview of the kids/stepmother/grandma.

I’d also like to see a family tree.

i think it would look more like a circle than a tree…

How was a dead father going to get her past the electronically keyed renforced door?


Fritzl apparently chose which of the children would live upstairs with him and his wife according to whether they were “crybabies,” Leopold Etz, a regional police official, told the Austria Press Agency.
And now the authorities are check all of his other real estate to make sure there aren’t more rape pits.

It wouldn’t, but it would help stop his penis from penetrating your vagina.

it would also stop food from entering your mouth. and that of your kids.

Austria != Australia

:fail:Damn it.

its confirmed, he boinked her.


Fritzl brought Elisabeth and her remaining two children out of the cellar, telling his wife their “missing” daughter had chosen to return home, police said.
Elisabeth agreed to make a thorough statement to the police after receiving assurances she would have no further contact with her father, who she said abused her from the age of 11.
Police believe Josef’s wife did not know what happened to her daughter when she disappeared in 1984.
Fritzl had said Elisabeth had joined a sect and that she had left three of the children on the doorstep. He forced Elisabeth to write letters by hand to prove his claims, said the police.


Oh really? That’s some phenomenal insight into the situation and/or links to relavent commentary or facts. Thanks for the update!

funny how that happens…

apparently he threatened to gas them if they tried to overtake him or escape

well, he is austrian…

lol @ that headline.

Incest dad ‘threatened to gas secret family’