Man kept Daughter in basement 24yrs, had 7 kids w/her

The book they write can be a pamphlet…

Sept 14 Woke up, mom cooked breakfast on a hot plate. Grandpa came down and raped mom. He stared at me with the your next look. Grandpa left, door locked behind him. Mom cried.

Sept 15 - Repeat.

Someone please kill the old man before he get’s the luxury of jail.
And six kids of his own with his wife… Wow…

What is their equivalent of Jerry Springer over there? All we need now is a midget.

meh… i’m not really fascinated by it nearly enough to read the book. Hell, I prolly wouldn’t even watch the movie.

The sci-fi weirdness will pass, and we’ll forget about this until one of the incestuos kids snaps and murders 100 people

Where can i mail order the 19 year old as a bride. ill give her an entire basement and she wont know no better

And eats them.

:word: My fascination will probably strangely last until about 5 o’clock…

oh shit, the father/grandfather wrote a book too!

Unlikely that the older child will ever be able to function enough to write a book.

That was only 13 years of confinement.


Yea… that is NOTHING like what happened here. :picard:

At the age of 20 months, Genie was just beginning to learn how to speak when a doctor told her family that she seemed to be developmentally delayed and possibly mildly retarded. Her father took the opinion to extremes, believing that she was profoundly retarded, and subjected her to severe confinement and ritual ill-treatment in an attempt to “protect” her.
Genie had spent her life locked in her bedroom. During the day, she was tied to a child’s potty chair in diapers; and most nights, she was then bound in a sleeping bag and placed in an enclosed crib with a cover made of metal screening to keep her shut inside. Her father would beat her every time she vocalized and he barked and growled at her like a dog in order to keep her quiet;

Point being - social isolation stunts development very seriously.

Feral children cases are crazy. Especially if the are isolated with animals. It’s scary.

At least these kids had human interaction, it was obviously negative, but who knows.

lol, talk about going a mile around to make a point! :slight_smile: Yea… truly feral cases are pretty effed up.

These kids have been socialized as much as an entire generation of american… by television.

Also, the mother was 18 when locked away, so I’m sure she was able to continue basic social structure.

But you’re right, the kids are def disadvantaged… at best.

We should get em to join NYSpeed.

Cant be any worse than speedped


Maybe he was doing his own reality show like big brother.




Fritzl was placed in pretrial detention and faces up to 15 years in prison if charged, tried and convicted on rape charges, the most grave of his alleged offenses under Austrian law.

I dunno. He’ll be like 90 if he makes it out. Putting him out on the street at 90 after 15 years in prison would probably be a worse punishment than keeping him in prison until he dies.

Go drink some coffee, as that is the worst justification of a “slap on the wrist” that I’ve ever heard.

Dude. Its Austria. Go old school and put the fucker in an oven.