I am not a judge, lawyer or on the jury that i know of. So you are right, what I feel has nothing to do with it.
BUT, for those people mentioned above, if they think the way I do and many others do, what they feel WILL have something to do with it.
NOFUCKS GIVEN If someone wants to tie in a 2nd grade hand writing test i failed, then 25 years later when I went on a spree of cutting off peoples hands that must equal I must be a loony right? Which like I have been saying, can and most likly would be totaly WRONG. Turns out I was just on LSD at the time and I though the hands were all poisonous snakes. Same horrific outcome, same precursor leading up to it, COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CAUSES.
The prosecution will attempt to dig up and and corralate all kinds of shit to sway the jury to their side. Which is what is totally effed with this justice system. The dude was caught red handed killing people. Sort of takes the “innocent until proven guilty” crap and throws it out the window. Should be a walk in, shut your mouth there is nothing to say, here is your cell/lethal injection of choice. BUT nope, these people need to be respected, need to have the chance to apeal again and again, wasting out money while some scumbag lawyer looks for a loop hole.