Man opens fire in Colorado movie theater

Im not disagreeing with you that this guy should suffer, dealth penalty, torture chamber, whatever. What im saying it that regardless of how you feel about him, he is most likely getting off on an insanity plea, because by definition, he is insane. I read it in the news this morning that a failed test at his college among other things may have triggered an underlying schitzo disorder which ultimately led to the shooting. Whether you choose to believe in mental disorders is up to you. The court however does, and if he is found insane, the case will be affected by that.

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And thats why if someone in the theater had a gun and popped him then and there. He wouldnt be able to get some jank insanity plea and skip the death penalty…

I am not a judge, lawyer or on the jury that i know of. So you are right, what I feel has nothing to do with it.

BUT, for those people mentioned above, if they think the way I do and many others do, what they feel WILL have something to do with it.

NOFUCKS GIVEN If someone wants to tie in a 2nd grade hand writing test i failed, then 25 years later when I went on a spree of cutting off peoples hands that must equal I must be a loony right? Which like I have been saying, can and most likly would be totaly WRONG. Turns out I was just on LSD at the time and I though the hands were all poisonous snakes. Same horrific outcome, same precursor leading up to it, COMPLETELY DIFFERENT CAUSES.

The prosecution will attempt to dig up and and corralate all kinds of shit to sway the jury to their side. Which is what is totally effed with this justice system. The dude was caught red handed killing people. Sort of takes the “innocent until proven guilty” crap and throws it out the window. Should be a walk in, shut your mouth there is nothing to say, here is your cell/lethal injection of choice. BUT nope, these people need to be respected, need to have the chance to apeal again and again, wasting out money while some scumbag lawyer looks for a loop hole.

which is why I also hope that someone smart enough snipes his ass durring transportation.

Dressed in a batman costume like a proper hero.


ATF and FBI have announced firearms sales have spiked since this event occurred.

Don’t bother… he’s too stupid to even regard.

Yep especially in Colorado.

3 spin off arrests too…

There have been three spin-off crimes following the dark night at the Colorado shooting; as anxieties escalate, authorities are hypervigiliant, and provoking mass hysteria is not at all a laughing matter, as the three arrests make clear.
The most disturbing of the arrests regards Timothy Courtois of Biddeford, Maine, who claims he was carrying a weapon while watching the Batman movie on Saturday. Whether or not his report is accurate, when he was pulled over for speeding — he was pushing past 100 with his emergency lights on — what the police found in his car was enough to place an arrest. He had an AK-47 assault weapon, four handguns, ammunition, and clippings about Holmes’ mass shooting from Friday. His purported goal was not theater related, however; he claims he was on a mission to kill his ex-employer.

The other two incidents might normally be taken as relatively unimportant, if it were not for the charged atmosphere: When the 52-year-old California Clark Tabor grew impatient with the delay of his movie, and he called out “I should go off like in Colorado,” and asked the crowd “Does anybody have a gun?” it seems his fellow movie-goers didn’t appreciate his humor. Its not a matter of such a joke being “too soon,” but being in the category of “never at any time.” At least police thought so. After they searched him, finding no gun in his backpack, nor any at his home, they charged him for making terrorist threats.

:rofl :number1

Gun control provided by crossbreed holsters. You never know when you may have to unholster your boomerang and throw it. Just for you gun haters.

cocked and everything

Acting like you’re a bad ass cuz you’re carrying a gov’t 1911.


Srsly though, looks like the holster/1911 were irritating your skin. :rofl

EDIT: Poster above murrdogg. Posted at same time.

At least it’s not like the retired cop w/ the cocked revolver. They have no safety at all, and the trigger pull on most .22s and revolvers when cocked are pretty light.

I was actually just laying on the couch before i took the picture.

Condition one is the only way to carry a 1911 and is perfectly safe.

More than 600 rounds were fired by the SWAT teams and Poplawski

Both robbers were killed, eleven police officers and seven civilians were injured, and numerous vehicles and other property were damaged or destroyed by the nearly 2,000 rounds of ammunition fired by the robbers and the police.

for a total of 214 rounds fired by the attacker and responding police officers.

All in broad day light against trained personnel in the end.

But you know, one guy in a crowded dark theater choking and crying from tear gas in a limited visibility would have totally killed a Juggernaut with an AR from his 9mm, while in panic and ducking behind the chairs.

Effin Logic 101 here :facepalm

I’m didnt read all the links you posted. I’m not getting pulled in one of your retarded arguments.

You guys keep being the sheeps you are and have fun calling the cops when you can’t defend yourself.

Cliffnotes - be a solo hero, it doesn’t always work out how you plan it.

Base civilian police Sergeant Kimberly Munley, who had rushed to the scene in her patrol car, encountered Hasan in the area outside the Soldier Readiness Processing Center.[26] Hasan fired at Munley, who exchanged shots with him using her 9mm M9 pistol. Munley’s hand was hit by shrapnel when one of Hasan’s bullets struck a nearby rain gutter, and then two bullets struck Munley: the first bullet hit her thigh, and the second hit her knee.[14][24] As she began to fall from the first bullet, the second bullet struck her femur, shattering it and knocking her to the ground.[14][24] Hasan then walked up to Munley and kicked her pistol out of reach.

Lets see the 10 rounds in your NYS approved, underpowered carry weapon protect yourself had this situation gone differently. So what if this kid had an AK instead of the AR? The likelihood of a jam is decreased.

How many cops/rounds/hours did it take to stop two guys with AK’s, handguns, and armor in 1997?

My favorite saying:

When seconds count, police are only minutes away.