Man opens fire in Colorado movie theater

Guess who paid for the shooter’s weapons and gear?


He was receiving $2,600 a month from the National Institute of Health as a grant for research, which is funded by tax payers.

Maybe the anti-gunners will now blame taxes for Holmes’ ability to buy all of that evil!

Your link is broken.

And what makes you think it’s the Taxpayers?

He had iirc ~26K student loan he could have used on anything and I’m sure he had a great credit history. He wouldnt be the first person in the world buying guns on credit, plus not like he was ever planning on paying it off…

Interesting… :facepalm

Can you blame them?

The theater in Colorado and Warner Bros are being sued already.

Pussification of America.


Will the theater scene from Inglorious Bastards be removed from TV broadcasts now?

see bellow

Thank you for seeing past the end of your nose.

Point was arguing the fact that I ASSUME this bastard had half a clue what he was doing, aka in my book not insane.

If I tell you to shut the fuck up and go away now that you attacked my reply, I have a reason and motivation to take it upon myself to tell you to hit the road. (logical) Now if you signed up for the first time and said “Oh hi, how are you I am new” and then told you to shut the fuck up out of the blue… there isnt much logic behind that to warrant the attack.

see what I am getting at.

No logic and the inability make decissions is called brain dead in my book. Anyone that can do what he did tells me this bastard had a damn good idea of what he was doing in his head (AKA USING LOCIC… DURRR OPEN DOOR, POINT AND SHOOOOT) when he made the decission to do so.

Broke down, no longer the same person. So canabilistic tribes in east bumfuck from thousands of years ago to present that kill people and eat them are also broken down??? No, they are using logic their society taught them as a basis for their actions. Yet, some crazy fucker in this country is found killing and eating people is doing the same thing, no thats not society thats going fucking nuts. I am NOT compairing the 2 events here, not at all… I am stating that two of the SAME ACTIONS can be held accountable two totally different ways. Just becaue one group of people see the other side of the story differently doesnt mean someone is “broken”. Broken is broken, broken is and should NOT be an opinion at all.

And the part that pisses me off the most is the red stuff. Insainty plea is there to keep MENTALLY INOCENT people somewhat out of hot water, and most seek treatment after they are dealt with in court. 99% of the people here on Shift dont have any arrests, no mental cases on file, are clean as a wistle… just like this dude aparantly is. YET, if one of us decided to run people over at the lot in a monster truck your saying they should be set up for an insainty plea??? Thats cool, my sister never got a speeding ticket, so the first one she gets she should just say she lost her mind for a minute and get off??? get the fuck outa here.

Not to mention if this dumb bastard gets off on insanity, all the little copy cat bitches watching will have the flood gates of opertunity to do what they want, only to assume they will also spend some time in a padded room.

I am all for people living a fair life. If someone’s brain actually comes apart and one day they do something on a small scale… sure give the insainty card a shot and try to help them. BUT, big scale shit like this guy, fucking hang um. Sure you might hang a few actuall nut jobs, but I would rather see a few “inocent” people get “wrongfully” punished for big ass mistakes in society then someone like this guy walk.

Omg, KK posts never cease to amaze me.



We can argue about it all day, we all know hes getting a life sentence, a Wiki page, and there will be a movie made about him.

Seriously it takes about 3 minutes to read my rants.

you spend 5 times that trying to find the best video to fap to on redtube. :rofl

FUCK REDTUBE. I have fake passwords to Brazzers, mad HD pr0n…

Although it can’t be proven directly that tax payers did/did not pay for his gear, he received a $26k research grant (not a loan), and since receiving the grant, that is when the orders were made for ammunition, “tactical gear”, etc…

Send me passwords plz.

Society defines whats normal and whats not. And you are telling me its normal for a guy that otherwise has lived a normal, meaningful existance to go into a movie theater and kill dozens of innocent people with NO motive other than to just do it? If thats not insane then I dont know what is.

You are krazy to think thats behavior of a normal, sane human being.

I want to see him fry just as much as anyone else, I just cant fathom how some of you guys think this guy was in a sane state of mind.

Sent from my ADR6300 using Tapatalk 2

Not arguing with you, but playing devils advocate.

Many “regular” people will think that drag racing on public streets and going over 100mph is “crazy/insane”.

Many people think that those flying squirrel suits are “nuts”.

Granted those things aren’t hurting others which is why nobody really raises an eye brow, even if those things are “crazy” people will continue to do them because that’s what they want and like to do.

Going a step further there are people who enjoy robbing bikes and being a criminal just for the sake of it. Illegal? Yes. Crazy? Kinda.

How about all the gang members who are involved in cold blood shootings and murders? To then it’s normal, gives them a rush and they want to do it. I would hardly argue something snapped with them.

All I’m saying is, there are plenty of people that would do the same thing in this world if there were no reprocussions. (sp?). They deter most. Every once in a while comes a guy, who doesn’t care for the punishment and just does what he wants.

I have a gun fanatic (over 12 guns) coworker who planned a mass shooting as a joke, has a day planned and an area. “Just for one”.

Is he sane? Insane? Normal? As long as he doesn’t act on it, nobody will know


Edit: going back further - lynching was normal back in the day, and still happens today by KKK. People will do some crazy shit if they can get away with it Scott free. And if a person has nothing to lose and doesn’t value their own life or future, they are free to act how they want.

Share the wealth bro!

So yeah, Bale went and saw the victims too. Weeeeeeeeeeee.

I like turtles.

I’ll see what I can do GENTLEMEN.

Exactly Vlad.

Remember “insanity” is mearly a over priced and over thought out hypothisis Dr’s use to put a label over someones actions most people wont agree was “right”. Nobody will know for sure, therefore I really dont give 2 mooses last shits if this guy or anyone in history is in his shoes is or was insane or not. Deed is done, pay the damn price.

Like vlad said also it really isnt hard for any “normal” person to fatham up a plan of attack just like this dude. The only thing stopping them from carrying it out is that persons feelings really.

The only thing that can be curtain with any of this insainity talk bullshit is if that card is played with a case this big right now… human instinct for the other “krazy fuckers out there” will show a weakness in the system and that might be all it takes to change their feelings and engauge their plan of attack. Just like speeding when you know you have a shot at a parking ticket reduction and no points… you cant tell me when you found out a speeding ticket can disapear from a reduction, that didnt make you push the limits a bit more.


x2 WTF!!!