Man opens fire in Colorado movie theater

Youre trying to associate logical reasoning with a psychopath. For all you know he could have worn it to “look cool”.

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If he found a random gun and went running down the street shooting then yes this psychopath was illogical.

When you meticulously plan everything out for months in advance and spend god knows how many hours precisely booby trapping your apartment before executing your plan from what seemed like down to a T. I think it’s fair to say he was logical in his moves

Oh and conspracy theorists are having their fun with this already :rofl

Then you have no idea how psychosis works, in any of its forms. He also told the cops that his apt was booby trapped. Why would he booby trap it, just to tell them before they went in? If someone is a psychopath, its hard for them to differentiate reality from non-reality, their thought process has no rules or boundaries. So at one moment they can be thinking logically, and the next, off in lala land. Which is why, you cant associate logical reasoning with someone like him.

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In his mind he may have thought he would replay the LA Bank of America robbery/police shoot out. In all reality he probably bitched out.

From my understanding after reading several articles on the shooting, after the AR jammed and he ran out of ammo in the handguns and shotgun, he was going back out to his vehicle (possibly to get more guns or mags?) and that’s when he was apprehended. He prolly knew that he wouldn’t win since he had nothing to shoot back with at the time, thus his surrender. I’m sure if his AR was still good to go, he prolly would’ve started firing on the police.

Also, when apprehended, he said he was “the Joker”.

I don’t think he was expecting to be caught, thus him notifying authorities of the booby-trapped apartment. It’s almost like he assumed it’d hurt his court case if a cop was killed. Although it wouldn’t help, this dude is already fucked.

Yes I do not hold a degree in psychology, and you clearly have a superior education in that branch of science if you’re able to tell that I have none.

So please in your educated opinion explain to me why you think that it was illogical for a very educated man with no prior psychosis notes to wear a ballistic neck guard, ballistic vest, shin guards and a gas mask while going on a shooting spree and why it made much more sense for him to wear it “to look cool”.

My humble uneducated opinion suggests that it’s logical to wear armor when going into a shooting spree. :dunno

completely agree.

Anyone saying the shooter was “out of his mind” is casting a scapegoat. Once someone pushes aside morals when they decide to take someone’s life in such a caculated way they made their mind up ahead of time and carryed out their intentions.

Tony decides to rip down a quiet public road at 190mph in a car. While everyone around him thinks hes “nuts”, he really isnt, hes just an asshole. He bought the car, knew what it could do, and tried it. preconcieved intentions. No different than this guy buying guns, armor, tear gas, IED’s, and all the other shit he had, coming up with a plan, and carying it out. Neither of my examples are looney toons, they are people that didnt give a shit about anyone around them and did what they decided they wanted to do.


We could bring the great tyrants/leaders of our century into this. And while they were generally considered as “assholes” because they saw no value in the human life and had no qualms about killing millions in some cases, they were quite brilliant in many ways.

You can argue about the 2nd amendment, you can disagree about whether this guy was a psychopath or not. I see the problem from a different angle.
Whether it is this guy in a movie theater, or someone else shooting up a school…whatever. They should never, ever release their names to the public. Seems like all these demented mind shooters have one common denominator…They want to go down as being famous for their cowardly deeds. I say, don’t ever let them accomplish that. Perhaps if they knew that they would die in obscurity, whether at the scene of the crime or years later in jail, maybe there would be even less of these terrible crimes.

/\ very good point

I agree, “Infamy” in my opinion is the underlying reason for doing all this.

There will be documentaries made on this, books written, letters in jail maybe even a movie for the rest of his jail life.

Did they ever came to a conclusion on Virginia Tech shooting reason?

Why did the guy that did the 101st St shootings in California with two TEC9’s wear hearing protection?

What the actual fuck are you talking about??

Comparing little billy driving like an asshole because he made up his mind is IN NO WAY compared to a dude walking into a movie theatre and opening fire on innocent people.

Little billy didn’t make a conscious decision to kill people. It may happen inadvertently…but was not the reason for driving like an asshole.

Colorado shooter walked into theatre with full intentions of laying people out…not by accident…(insert guess here…maybe infamy?).

Just stop.

There is no rhyme or reason when a nut job decides its ok to pray and spray with an “AK” into a bunch of innocent people, NONE OF US will be able to fathom what went through his mind.

The back and forth over why he did it is useless. There are many meaningful conversations to be had over such an incident.

Maybe he wanted to make sure Batman really died this time. But on the way to the concession stand they made an announcement THAT THEY RAN OUT OF POPCORN.

:popcorn shooter:

I think you missed his point. It’s not about killing its about knowingly making a decision that the outside world would view as “insane” when you consciously understood what you were doing.

I work in a mental rehabilitation hospital, so yes, I have experience in dealing with people with a wide range of ailments. You are missing the point. Psychosis does not care if you are educated, mentally disabled, average, rich, or poor. It can come at anytime for a number of reasons to any person. A person that is psychotic has no logic, that does not mean they cant make decisions. But WHY they make that decision is usually not known, even to them. You are talking about someones mind that at some point, broke down. He is no longer the same person. This entire event revolved around the mass killing of innocent people with what excuse for motivation. He had no LOGICAL excuse for going into that theater and killing random people for no reason. That by definition sets him up for an insanity plea. And again ill say, none of his actions can be considered logical and no matter what you or anyone else says, youll forever be assuming why he did what he did, he may not even know.

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Fact is noone will ever know WHY he really did it, even if the shooter does. No point in arguing about it.

The fact is that he was simply pissed off at people who were texting during the movie.

I thought you owned your own IT place or something?

Yes I did. Owned and operated for four years unil my business partner cost us our largest client ($200k/yr) then split. Went downhill from there. Now im a computer systems admin at Four Winds in Saratoga. Im not saying I know everything about psychology, but we do take classes, even in MIS, about mental illness.

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