Man opens fire in Colorado movie theater

there is a double safety on a 1911 you have to flip down the safety on the side of the firearm that is pressed against his body and you have to have your hand fully engauged in the backstrap to depress another safety before you can pull the trigger and put a round down range.

Also DJ is that a supertuck?

Yes, crossbreed supertuck, it is comfy and if i have pants on, then i have it with me.

That’s the only thing im worried about if I get a CC permit. Which kind of holster is good for a fatboy

man you are super retarded… just shut up

Word I wasn’t saying anything bad… just looked badass haha

crossbread super tucks are nice, i have 3 or 4 of them along with a minituck also. good holsters. if you like that style, check out White hat holsters. IMO they are a little nicer, and offer more options. can get different kydex in different colors and etc.

the one thing thats nice with the White hat is the kydex is interchangable. so you buy one holster, then buy replacement kydex for different guns you wish to carry. it takes seconds to switch the kydex.

The Mtac holsters are nice but i didnt like the plastic j clips, they have the ability to switch kydex.

Pot Kettle Black

  • had too


too bad the kid didn’t kill the scumbag

This just in:

Holmes sent a notebook outlining his plans for the shooting to his psychiatrist… The package containing the notebook sat unopened in the University mailroom.

AURORA, Colorado (Reuters) - The man accused in the movie house massacre at a Denver-area screening of the new “Batman” film mailed a notebook detailing his plans to a psychiatrist at his university before the attack, Fox News reported on Wednesday, as the first funeral was held for one of the 12 people killed.

The package allegedly sent by 24-year-old James Eagan Holmes remained unopened in a mailroom at the University of Colorado, for as long as a week before its discovery on Monday, reported, citing a law enforcement source.

Reuters could not immediately verify the report. Messages left with police in Aurora and other law enforcement officials involved in the case were not immediately returned.

A spokesman for the FBI’s Denver office said the bureau could not speak about any aspect of the investigation because the judge in the case had issued a protective order on Tuesday that strictly limits what attorneys, law enforcement and court staff can say publicly about the case.

The Fox News report said police and FBI agents were called to the University of Colorado Anschutz medical campus in Aurora on Monday morning after a psychiatrist who is a professor at the school reported receiving a package believed to be from the suspect.

Although that package turned out to be from someone else and harmless, a search of the Campus Services’ mailroom turned up another parcel sent to the psychiatrist with Holmes’ name in the return address, the source told Fox News.

After obtaining a search warrant, police took the package away and discovered its contents.


Fox News quoted its source saying: “Inside the package was a notebook full of details about how he was going to kill people. There were drawings of what he was going to do in it – drawings and illustrations of the massacre.”

Images in the notebook included drawings of stick-figures shooting at other stick figures, the report said.

Fox News did not identify the psychiatrist. Holmes was a doctoral student in neuroscience at the Anschutz campus until filing paperwork to drop out in June.

University spokeswoman Jacque Montgomery declined to comment on the report, also citing Arapahoe County District Judge William Sylvester’s gag order.

Montgomery said that, generally, all mail received by the university was sent to the Anschutz campus on the day it was received but packages were not logged or tracked unless a signature was required by the U.S. Postal Service.

Police say Holmes, wearing tactical body armor and a gas mask and toting three firearms, opened fire on a crowded midnight screening of “The Dark Knight Rises” in the Denver suburb of Aurora, killing 12 people and wounding 58 others.

Holmes, who was arrested behind the theater immediately after the attack, made his first appearance in court on Monday, appearing sleepy and disoriented. Authorities plan to formally charge him on July 30.

Also on Wednesday, hundreds gathered at the nondenominational Pathways Church in Denver for the first funeral for a victim of the July 20 massacre.


Gordon Cowden, at 51 the oldest victim of the shooting, was a real estate appraiser who had taken his teenage daughters to the movie theater where he was killed. His daughters escaped unharmed.

An excerpt from the funeral program attributed to his daughter Brooke read: “I will never forget that in such disorientation and confusion of that night what was certain were your yells, declarations of ‘I love you’ to both of us. Forever, with love, Brooke.”

Joyce Zounis, who knew Cowden through a single parents group at her Aurora church, said Brooke Cowden gave an emotional speech during the service in which she recounted dancing with her father at an outdoor concert in June.

“Little did she know, this would be her last dance with her dad,” Zounis, 50, said.

Doug Newman, a friend of Cowden, said the grief inside the church was “pretty intense.”

“I’m in absolute shock,” Newman said. "“I haven’t been myself for a few days.”

Services for Cowden came as 20 of those injured in the shooting remained hospitalized, seven in critical condition.

Judge Sylvester ruled on Tuesday that no cameras would be allowed in the courtroom when Holmes is charged next Monday. Holmes’ initial appearance on Monday was televised.

Authorities have not offered a motive for the shooting spree. Police said Holmes, a former neuroscience student, left his 800-square-foot (75-square-metre) apartment booby-trapped with explosives that authorities said could have destroyed the entire complex.

Local and state bomb experts conducted a controlled demolition over the weekend. The building remains closed and police have not said when residents will be allowed to return.

Holmes, who authorities say dyed his hair red and told them he was The Joker in reference to Batman’s comic-book nemesis, was being held in solitary confinement to protect him from other prisoners.

The shooting rampage has renewed debate in the United States about gun control. At the same time, Colorado authorities said on Tuesday that applications in the state for background checks to buy firearms surged in the aftermath of the shooting.


Another mall shooting.

According to various reports, at approximately 3:30 p.m. PST a gunman opened fire in a food court on the top floor of the Clackamas Town Center, a mall near Portland, Oregon. The Oregonian is reporting two people were killed, but the sheriff’s department has so far only confirmed one death. The sheriff’s department also confirmed that the shooter has been “neutralized,” although the spokesperson couldn’t say if that meant he was arrested or killed. The AP reports the gunman was wearing camouflage, body armor and some sort of white mask. We’ll update as we have more details.

UPDATE: According to the Oregonian, the shooter used a semi-automatic rifle, believed to be an AR-15, which was one of the weapons James Holmes used in the Aurora shootings this summer. Witnesses report between 20 and 60 shots were fired.

UPDATE X2: The sheriff’s department has now confirmed that three people were killed, including the gunman. One other person suffered traumatic injuries.

Time to rewind the entire debate tape and play it all over again :banghead

Fuck. They could at least stop using cool guns.

Yeah. AR parts are already nearly sold out now that Democrats got re-elected, this will only start new chain mails and instill more fear mongering driving prices up again and drying up the supply.

Glad I have my preban already :ahh

Gonna wait for all of this to blow over before apply for my cc.

You have 2 different offender types out there committing these atrocities.

-Suicidal people that want to take people down with them and either turn the gun on themselves or know they will go down in a blaze of “glory”.

-People that don’t intend on dying while or after they commit the killings.

Gunlaws or lack thereof will never change the first type’s outcome. If you have a will to commit a killing spree like that, there isn’t a way to stop them (other than by accident, some sort of tip off, or what have you). The only course of action left is mitigating the death and damage. Either put guns in good, ethical, law abiding citizens hands and allow them to protect themselves and others, or just hope the offenders gun jams or runs out of ammo. Those are the only two cards you have in your hand to play with if you do away with the right to bear arms.

The second type of offender you have at least a chance at STOPPING their actions before it’s too late. They don’t want to die, they just want to kill. They won’t be running into a gun show in Texas anytime soon and try to open fire! They will chance it that none, or very few are armed and willing to fire back, and target those places. Logically the only way to sway their actions are to raise the chances that the offender will face return fire. Sadly its not like they would come out of the wood work and say “Yep, I was going to try and kill a bunch of people, but since there is a good chance that I could be shot at myself because of these “defend yourself gun laws…. I decided against following through with it”. So news, politicians, activists, etc. don’t have much to work with there to fight for their side of the argument.



I’ve never understood the logic of those that say we need to ban all guns in order to be safe. Reality, as the laws are currently set up, is that many of the bad guys get guns illegally. The recent string of high-profile events where people have gone on a killing spree with legally gotten guns is the exception, not the rule. If you change the laws, so that guns are illegal, the bad guys will still be getting guns. The laws don’t ‘apply’ to them because they could care less. All disarming the public does is strip away the ability of the common person to defend themselves, giving the bad guys an even greater advantage.

less guns isnt going to help and neither is more guns.

Less guns brings on the outlaw factor and more guns brings on the morons that shouldnt be anywhere near a gun having a gun factor

Well to be fair, both of these guys had legally acquired guns. Not like they were running around with black market, full auto Uzi’s (or even AR pistols) which would have made their missions easier and are easier to hide.

I’m all pro people having guns but I hate stupid arguments people use to be pro gun.

Does every child molester drive around without a license on an unregistered car? Every thief doesn’t pay taxes?

If your point is written on a picture that circulates in Facebook circles, it’s likey an ignorant point which doesn’t want a discussion but immediate emotional reaction of “like” and “+1”.

But yeah these people cant be stopped no more than drunk drivers can. You don’t ban alcohol and you don’t ban cars. You just do your best to screen for them and take them as just part of the statistic.

If only every single person in the mall had a handgun then this never would have happened.