Man pretending to be Air Marshal Arrested in NY

Few days ago:

More details:

Article is a bit limited but they found rounds at his house, not in the car which for any regular shooter isn’t that far fetched. He did have multiple fully loaded mags, body armor, and tried to pass off creds to the cop that he was an air marshal however.

So… hypothetically how many rounds can one possess? 8300 may not sound like a lot to some people. :smiley:

I have more than that in just .22’s. Then there is still the 5.56, .308, 12g and 9mm.

Gotta love the media. People who shoot a lot or want to buy in bulk to save money when the metals prices were bouncing all over the place just split big boxes. I think I have about 2,000 rounds of .22 at my house purely for targets.

Lol as soon as I saw his mug shot I thought the exact same thing.

