Maple Fire Wood, Split and Stacked

I have about five cord of spilt and stacked maple fire wood. Town took down a couple trees and my neighbor split it up. $60 a cord… Come and get it!

Location and would you be willing to deliver within a reasonable radius?

I just blew through our remaining bonfire wood and I don’t have a truck.


^word, if it is I’ll take a bunch.

How do you sell stacked wood but not delivered? :wink:

Since he said his town took up down and his neighbor split it, I’ll imagine it’s green. Green like… a week ago perhaps?
So no good for this year probably.
I’ll assume this is actually 1/3 of a cord?

One cord of wood is 4’x4’x8’ just so you know… 128cu/ft

If it’s stacked 4’x8’x16-18" it’s 1/3 cord…

Disregard my post, if it’s not seasoned i’m not interested.


hey buddy i could pick it up for you if you need it for a 6 pack:beer:

AKA: face cord.

Face cord is not a recognized term of measurement.
Neither is a rick, rack, thrown cord, bush cord, etc…

Face cord can mean 4’x8’x1’ (1/4 cord) for those with smaller stoves, or it can mean 4’x8’x16-18". Or it can be in Unsplit form which contains more air volume than a split cord. Easy ways to scam innocent people.
Selling wood by a measurement other than a cord (1/3 cord, 1/2 cord, etc…) is illegal in most states. I wonder why…?

Don’t bother get me going on what exactly is seasoned wood. Wood doesn’t season in log form, unsplit form, unstacked, covered (unless it’s covered on top only), etc… So many stupids/misconceptions out there.
Open a round of a tree that has been “seasoned” (in log form) for 3-4 years. I bet a million bucks the inside will be just as wet or perhaps even more wet if it’s been sitting on the ground than a tree of the same type that I’ll go and fell today. The outside 1/2"-1" may be down to 15-16% MC, but a lot of good that does on a 24"+ tree.

That’s a valid offer if anyone wants to take me up on it, one million dollars. Actually I don’t really have one mil, so let’s make it $20k instead. We can put it in a baseball cap like we’re back in grade school and have a third party hold it.
P.S. No, I didn’t get going yet… these are just simple facts. But if you want to dispute I welcome your input!

OK looks like I have about a cord and a half then. My bad, I don’t like wood… anyways these trees were basically dead. Your welcome to come look at the wood, I’ll admit that I don’t know shit about wood. Located in Yorkshire, 14173 zip. PM me if you have a valid interest in my wood…

Thanks Hass, I have always wondered about the measure of wood…I’m not being an ass…I genuinely appreciate the knowledge.

I’ve seen this wood first hand, and it’s in really good condition. Hope it goes to a good home.

I may take you up on that but it needs to be an 18 pack split over a fire. not this wood though.