Martial Arts

I know it has been talked about before, but I don’t like digging up old threads.

I use to study Ishen Ryu when I was younger and want to start martial arts training again. I’m not worried about my ability to defend myself, as I have plenty of fighting experience for that. I want to get into something that will teach me more self control and self discipline, as well as help get me back into shape. I have been thinking about starting Jujutsu or something similar. I like the more well rounded forms of martial arts that take a more practical approach to their technique. What have you guys trained in, how has it effected you as far as like keeping in shape and stuff like that? I know a lot of you have taken Tae Kwon Do and stuff.

Don’t you have ADD, Broken Shoulder and 100 other probblems?

you sir are out of line… made me laugh… but soo wrong…

Wow Jesus enough aboutt he ADD thing already. That has no pertanence to this thread whatsoever. My should is not broken, I had surgery because I tore the living shit out if it, but its healed up pretty good now and I am cleared to do w/e I want within reason (meaning just be careful). Hence why I want to do this, so I can get back into shape.

You tore the shit out of it and you want to do a martial art thats based on throws and grapling…have fun :slight_smile:

My orthopedic surgeon told me monday that I can start working out or doin pretty much w/e I want within reason. When you start any form of martial art you cover your basics first anyways, so as far as throwing and grapling, its not an issue at this point.

there are 10000 McDojos. Almost all TKD places are… and that’s just foot tag anyways.

or judo?

or boxing if you can find a gym

That link sez:

Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.

what, you think you’re special?

Try searching.

EDIT: Oh snap you started this same thread 2 years ago :roll: