Martial Arts?


If you can find any Sambo place near you, that’d be sweet. Its like a russian military defense style. Pretty BA in my opinion


i agree, i learned karate as a kid, and then rehashed everything and learned wing chung which i found to be more fluid and less wasteful when it comes to moves. BUT that being said, it depends on what you want to get into, theres a lot of discipline in martial arts, (i know others will flame me for this) but if you want to purely defend yourself look at the military programs, my friend took krav maga (the israeli military techniques) which i translate to basically dirty barfighting. whereas martial arts teaches you precise moves and defense, my buddy basically would just run at me punching and trying to kick you in the chest… i did a buds training prog a while back and they teach you the 1hit moves that will severly injure people, which is sorta not good because you dont want to kill the person, just defend yourself if youre fighting. just simple things that are effective, such as going to punch someone in the face but recoiling your hand and leaving your fingers limp so they hit your opponent in the eyes like a whip allowing you to proceed with another move, etc. but if you want fun, i know 540 does some crazy aerial shit, i had a lot of fun learning some amateur capoeira. yes its the brazilian dance fighting everyone jokes about, but its really cool if you were ever into break or anything, its sorta like a mix of breakdancing and wing chun, real fluid. prepare to do a lot of kip ups and flares, great exercise but not really self defense etc… so basically dicipline wise go with kung fu (karate and tae kwon do are too rigid and make unnecessary moves imo, judo i have no clue), if you want defense go with a military style prog like krav maga, and if you want fun then go with capoeira… just my 2 cents