Martial Law Declared in New Orleans

about damn time!!
\order came through where sending in the big guns! :eek4dance

id like to see them shoot at the apcahie’s that where just deployed

Disgusted and furious with the lawlessness of looters who have put fear into citizens, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin declared Martial Law in the city and directed the city’s 1,500 person police force to do “whatever it takes” to regain control of the city.

Nagin said that Martial Law means that officers don’t have to worry about civil rights and Miranda rights in stopping the looters.

Amid the chaos Wednesday, thieves commandeered a forklift and used it to push up the storm shutters and break the glass of a pharmacy. The crowd stormed the store, carrying out so much ice, water and food that it dropped from their arms as they ran. The street was littered with packages of ramen noodles and other items.

Looters also chased down a state police truck full of food. The New Orleans police chief ran off looters while city officials themselves were commandeering equipment from a looted Office Depot. During a state of emergency, authorities have broad powers to take private supplies and buildings for their use. Managers at a nursing home were prepared to cope with the power outages and had enough food for days, but then the looting began. The Covenant Home’s bus driver surrendered the vehicle to carjackers after being threatened.

Bands of people drove by the nursing home, shouting to residents, “Get out!” On Wednesday, 80 residents, most of them in wheelchairs, were being evacuated to other nursing homes in the state.

“We had enough food for 10 days,” said Peggy Hoffman, the home’s executive director. “Now we’ll have to equip our department heads with guns and teach them how to shoot.”

Michael Ainsworth / DMN
Joint Task Force Commander and Brig. Gen. Gary Jones (left) and Brig. Gen. of the Air National Guard Brod Veillon talk stategy for rescue outside the Superdome.

At one store, hordes of people from all ages, races and walks of life grabbed food and water. Some drove away with trunkloads of beer.

At one point, two officers drew their guns on the looters, but the thieves left without incident. One of the officers said he is not going to arrest anyone for snatching up food and water.

One young man was seen wading through chest-deep floodwater, carrying a case of soda, after looting a grocery store.

“We will restore law and order,” Blanco said. “What angers me the most is that disasters like this often bring out the worst in people. I will not tolerate this kind of behavior.”

John Matessino, president of the Louisiana Hospital Association, said he had not heard of anyone breaking into the hospitals, but he added that thieves got into the parking garage at one hospital and were stealing car batteries and stereos.

Officials tried to balance security needs with saving lives.

“We’re multitasking right now,” said New Orleans Police Capt. Marlon Defillo. “Rescue, recovery, stabilization of looting, we’re trying to feed the hungry.” New Orleans’ homeland security chief, Terry Ebbert, said looters were breaking into stores all over town and stealing guns. He said there are gangs of armed men moving around the city. At one point, officers stranded on the roof of a hotel were fired at by criminals on the street.

The Times-Picayune newspaper reported that the gun section at a new Wal-Mart had been cleaned out by looters.

Authorities said an officer was shot in the head and a looter was wounded in a shootout. The officer and looter were expected to survive.

"There were also reports that shots had been fired at an Army Chinook helicopter that was being used to get people away from the Superdome to buses for transport. "

i say FUCK THEM… shoot those mother fuckers.

i saw this video on the news… it was tons of inmates looks like they were on a highway on/off ramp…they were all grouped together down on their knees with hands behind their heads… the jail had flooded so they had to evacuate.

haha this is gonna be funny

Yea id like to see them pieces of shit try and shoot at this floating around the sky

yeah… like 5 already escaped… :eek4dance


OK, it’s time for them to start shooting first and asking questions later…

Note to innocent citizens of N.O. : play dead.

here are the prison inmates

said this one was producing 80,000 barrels a day

my man got some keystone ice

seriously… i mena there is a trash everywhere… like down to earth fucking trash… and if these people are going to take advantage of dead / flooded businesses, whatever… but when they start hurting people and emergency workers, they deserve to die.

I suggest that we trade one prisioner for a dead piece of shit… i bet the prisioners see life as a much more precious thing that the pieces of shit shooting helicopters and flipping over rescue boats.


:reloading :reloading :reloading :reloading

more pics…

they said they expect a ton of dead bodies in attics of homes.

more pics…

they said they expect a ton of dead bodies in attics of homes.

good finds, showtime

HAHA NICE!!! :bowrofl:

hahah looters crack me up

what the fuck are they gonna do with car stereos, tvs, and saints jerseys


maybe the dead will rise up as zombies and retake control of the city

this shit is outa control

Now call me a liberal hippie or whatever. But it seems they were mostly talking about looting of food and water, not tv’s, dvd players, computers, and 20 inch rims.

If you are stuck in a city and can’t get out with no running water, filled to the brim with salt water, your house is underwater. You don’t have any food and all the supermarkets are closed for business. You are hungry and thirst, it’s not like you really need to be a gangsta criminal to do what you gotta do to survive.

You guys want to shooot people for taking the necessities of life that they have no way to get legally.