Martial Law Declared in New Orleans

New Orleans police focus on looters
In New Orleans, Mayor Ray Nagin on Wednesday night ordered the city’s 1,500 police officers to leave their search-and-rescue mission and focus on stopping the looting.

Looters and armed gangs “are starting to get closer to heavily populated areas — hotels, hospitals and we’re going to stop it right now,” Nagin said.

Looters used garbage cans and inflatable mattresses to float away with food, blue jeans, tennis shoes, TV sets even guns. The driver of a nursing-home bus surrendered the vehicle to thugs after being threatened.

Its going on with other non necessities as well –

the police clearly said they are not going after people that are stealing food / water / rations… they are going after people taking high dollar items.

KICK ASS!!! I am w/ him! :smiley:

They are also breaking into the homes in affluent neighborhoods that haven’t been damaged from the storm…so you leave town to avoid dying in a hurricane, and return home to see the cocksuckers took all your stuff.

Shoot em dead Dan-O!

Wrong, one officer cleary said HE wasn’t going after people stealing food and water. This is one man speaking for himself, not police policy.

wrong, wtf? who are any of us to say what is or is not that case? they’re 1200 miles away.

there was a fuckign press release yesterday, the mayor and the state rep both said that riots are getting out of control and they are going to start hammering donw, they clearly said that people stealing what they needed to live would be asked to leave and people stealing products that are basic needs are being arrested.

No man in his right mind knowing the situation would kill someone over water and food - - If they do…they should be ashamed of themselves…

Originally Posted by fshowcars
the police clearly said they are not going after people that are stealing food / water / rations… they are going after people taking high dollar items.

What didn’t you understand about ^?

i told you guys this shit would be crazy. wait until nightfall.

oh yeah they would…if they get desperate enough

anyone just see the story about the guy who shot his sister over a bag of ice

Ok instead of saying…No man…No police officer - Is that better since thats what i was referring to in the first place…

fuck your couch!

shut the fuck up as usual

it’s 2:30am… shouldn’t you be sphincter-deep in cock by now?


good one douche bag

I don’t think but I have a question. how can you see from under that meat helmet?

walk to ocean. continue to walk