Matt Damon

Wow you are correct there sir. But do me a favor and search for how many times McCain crashed a plane before he became a POW… Hes lucky it wasn’t earlier, when he crashed those 1,2,3,4,5,6 planes before hm…

Lets even factor that out, the guy might DIE! HELLO?!? Palin then becomes pres, wow.

And don’t even get me started about the problem he has with lobbyists.

If you really can’t see who has the advantage in this election (even though minuscule) I feel sorry for you.

Bush almost choked on a pretzel and died, we would have been stuck with Cheny as president. You can’t really vote for someone else because you think the guy may die in the next 4 years.

So if mccain gets in and dies, we are stuck with palin. If obama gets in and something bad happens, we are stuck with Biden. Biden would be a better choice if it comes down to that. But both mccain and palin are better choices than obama for president, obama sucks

Still waiting on why everyone thinks so, because just saying Obama sucks REALLY proves your point here.

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cheny has been the president the whole time, bush is just a puppet

mccain is def. the wrong choice here with or without palin

I personally believe that we are currently voting for who we like as Vice President most. Both of the presidents I really don’t believe will make it thru the first 2 years of their first term if elected. McCain has one foot in the grave right now and has so many medical problems it is difficult to list them all. Obama unfortunately is just the wrong race and there are some real fucking idiots out there that will smoke him one way or the other before he gets the opportunity to impart any real change in this country.

So, who is better, Sarah Palin or Joe Biden? I’m pretty sure everyone, no matter their political affiliation, will state its Biden.

The problem with the government, in my honest opinion, is the way its run and how much that affects the most intelligent peoples choice to not go into public service. It is simply more fulfilling, economically, socially, hell maybe even politically, to work in the private sector. If only government was run more like a private enterprise would people with the intelligence to lead our country would be more interested in actually doing that.

Does anyone here think the great thinkers of our time that spent time in the public sector, guys like Jefferson, Adams, or Franklin, would be interested in government if they lived today? My guess would be no.

The only change Obama will try to make in this country is to make it more strictly run by the Democratic party, which is often hard to discern from the Republican. For a guy who talks about change all the time, he votes along party lines more than almost anyone else in the Senate.

The only interest those guys would have in this government would be to overthrow it. But we’re a country of sissy faggots today who are collectively begging for a nanny-state. Unfortunately, the success that the founders’ creation bred, developed a country of over-privileged, over-fed, pansies who haven’t had to work for anything.

holy shit, you got the reference. I’m impressed.

And as for attacking McCain’s military performance, his plane was shot down while fighting a wrongheaded war cooked up by “The Greatest Generation.”

I’m not attacking, just questioning how sitting in a hole in the jungle for 7 years make you more or less apt at commanding a military. Which is almost moot. The president doesn’t make every logistical decision. How much military experience did Carter, Bush Sr., Reagan, Nixon, Bush Jr., Clinton have?

So why don’t you search wikipedia and tell me which part of civil litigation, community groups, and teaching Constitutional law gives Barack the credentials to run the largest military force in the history of the world.

I don’t want a President that is adept at blowing things up. I want a President that is adept at NOT blowing things up. Tell me how delivering babies made Ron Paul certified to be POTUS?

Telling me McCain is not an economist, gee thanks, I have been against him this entire time, I actually typed that in my post, you must have missed it.

Its the economy, stupid. McCain couldn’t even pick half decent advisors though. Phil Graham. :bowrofl: that worked out really well.

I never will understand how people can do that…you’d be better off running your brush around the toilet rim before sticking it in your mouth.

your toilet rim is cleaner than the water coming out of your shower? :hsugh:

There are plenty other instances, but I cannot find the source right now.

not saying cleaner, but about the same. especially since you sit down to pee.


NM I guess I read it wrong. The point of the statement was that a shower faucet gives about 1.5 gal of water a minute. Even if it takes you 30 seconds to brush your teeth thats 3/4 of a gallon of water. At the sink all you need to do it wet the tooth brush then rinse your mouth out. 1 cup of water is all you should need.

I’m talking about all the mildew, dirt, grease, oils, fecal matter and whatever else comes off your body when showering, that comes in contact with your toothbrush.

How is it moot? The President is the Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces. He is not the Commander in Chief of the population. The legislative branch has the power to make the laws which govern the citizens, the President can sign or veto. The only laws he makes which govern us are executive orders, and those are the exception rather than the rule, with many executive orders governing foreign rather than domestic affairs.

Being in captivity is not an accomplishment that makes McCain more suited to run the military than Obama. Graduating from the Naval Academy however is such an accomplishment, as is serving in the military.

That was my point, and I wasn’t saying McCain is a great candidate, merely that he is more suited to run the Military than a 1 term U.S. Senator who happens to be a Harvard graduate and a college professor.

Basically I was trying to show that the argument against the Republican ticket by Democratic supporters based on the premise of a lack of experience is laughable because both sides are inept to some degree, but the Republicans at least have a Presidential candidate with some relevant experience.

Oh yeah, he might die, right, but as already mentioned in this thread, Obama’s chances are no better.

Obama = Raise taxes and more government then give $ to poor people tha sit around and complain they don’t have any thing instead of going and getting a job. Why work when your brother (Obama) will give things to you.

The thing is Obama is half white too. ever hear any of that coming out in the media? Hell no. caue then the Black population wouldn’t have some one to vote for and they probably wouldn’t vote. Not all, but alot of black people are voting for him simply cause he is black. My whole neighborhood is guilty if that. Rediculous!!


Obama’s unfounded promises… “I’m going to make sure there are 1 million cars that get 150mpg by 2015 (ok….??? How? At what cost??? Who’s burden of cost???)

I don’t like the idea of being ‘fiscally responsible” taking away from one and giving to the other… I would rather see tax cuts in the middle and lower classes while maintaining the tax cuts of the ‘wealthy’… Although, under obama i would be considered wealthy, so that’s a plus i guess… well right before i’m raped at tax time to give handouts to degenerates.

I am against a National Health Insurance “Exchange”… I feel that if you are going to free market your healthcare, then let the market dictate the standards and costs… I don’t need another government body to tell the private sector how to ‘play fair’

Obama-“Employers that do not offer or make a meaningful contribution to the cost of quality health coverage for their employees will be required to contribute a percentage of payroll toward the costs of the national plan.” – this scares me because what is considered ‘meaningful’??? Why would it be the governments job to mandate contributions! its like forcing volunteer work…

Obama -" Mandatory Coverage for Children"??? How about mandatory Parenting classes for shitty parents! again…more social handouts!

Obama - “America simply cannot afford more of the old approach to our national defense. Instead, it needs a Commander-in-Chief with the right combination of judgment, vision, and leadership for the 21st century.” - how, why, where, when, who, what? Our military history isn’t that bad! It’s still a fully volunteer army with tons of people signing up daily… this is cry wolf syndrome… beyond that, ever see the stats on who the military tends for vote for? and to your point starboy… nothing like saying something without even a slightest beginning of an idea to the solution. :slight_smile: unfounded!

why i like mccain, tip of the iceberg and after 15 minutes of reading:

against Telecommunications ACT

against unfounded and non-studied funding of possible ‘green’ initiatives (read: subsidiary ethanol studies, that years later proved to be more harmful to the environment and less than desirable re: cost effectiveness – not just “for” it because of the hype.

voted against raising top marginal tax rate from 35% to 36%

extended AMT relief for middle-class tax payers, extended cuts in dividend and capital gains.

led the Internet Tax Freedom Act of 2007

Proposed National Interoperable Broadband Network for Disaster first responders (obviously needed)

called senate to join against Gas Tax Holiday Amendment – suspending the 18.4 cent increase between memorial and labor day (ghey)

Agreed that the “economic stimulus” was an OK idea, but there is a larger issue and cutting corporate taxes is a better movement for the economic system than randomly dumping money into the hands of the consumer.

My vote will be for Obama… I don’t want another 4+ years of Bush. And, I dont’ believe in the war, as those people have been fighting since the beginning of TIME itself. We can protect ourselves, instead of invading their holy land, and messing with their religion. As far as experience… neither candidate has any experience being President of the United States. So, any arguement related to that is hogwash IMO. Pick McCain and live in another “Bush” like world of corupt repulicans, that only care about themselves, and shrink the middle class. I’m against lazy people as well… like everyone should be. The tax deal is hogwash as well. If republicans lower taxes, they’ll get people somewhere else. People buy into that lower taxes BS.

How qualified was Clinton when he became pres?

did starboy see this?

I now understand your vote for obama… In america a president can only have two terms… so Bush cannot be reelected. You should now be worry free and can actually use logic and reasoning to vote!!!