Maybe there is a god, and maybe he really doesn't like abortion


Whoah settle down there elton…


Jimbo has just been one-upped. :tup: Carl.


his foreign policy is almost as bad as Bush’s…


Correctamundo, his domestic policy is pretty bad as well, regardless of the fact it has nothing to do with abortion.

Apparently, Giuliani hates Ferrets though I thought this was hilarious.

Giuliani has on more than one occasion dressed in women’s clothing. Too bad the Democrats are going to be a bunch of pussies and not attack him on that during the election or anything else…


Giuliani has on more than one occasion dressed in women’s clothing.


So thats why you like him so much?

The sexual attraction here is strong…


When did he wear womens clothes? As a joke, or seriously?

This is your candidate, JayS…


A true representation of the GOP… :rofl: LAAAAAAAAWL!!

oh no…


Violater, spelling the candidates name COMPLETELY wrong is no way to prove that you have the slightest bit o knowledge regarding that persons policies and political stances.




This is your candidate, JayS…


pics of rudy in drag


Finally! A candidate who will represent my…er…umm… back to work. :snky: