Mayor Murphy


Look at that Sonny, you’ve already got a constituency…

no way, you’d make me get rid of my car :crying:


Darkstar for mayor. Legalize and tax pot, problem solved.

darkstar for mayor

going to file for election… guess i’ll register democrat so i have a shot to get into office in pittsburgh :hs:

Sonny/Mike that would be a hell of a ticket. First order of business would be to make driving a non turbo G-body in public a jailable offense. Second order of business, raid evidence lockers for coke. Third, pardon all decent looking hookers (on one condition, of course…).

whoa whoa whoa son!!! you gotta have a CUTTY clause in that bill, that way if you see some non white dude driving it you know its mine.

good god are fucking sports logos will all be chancged to dancing bears

scrw u hippie!! :wink:

Murphy Sucks!!!