McCain = 0wn3d

  1. you still havent answered my question
  2. what site did you rip all this information from so i can check it out?

but, anyway, how did this thread turn into superslow’baltstage2 being a gay bashing redneck, boy toucher catholic priest?

looks like our friend has never got head haha

right down the hatch! fire in the hole!

but he wouldnt do that would he? its not natural for your male anatomy to go into a female mouth. god frowns upon it

well actually… he must not have sex yet unless his married, and if he is married i hope he didnt lose his virginity until the wedding night or else

If a person is duly convicted of a serious crime but can not be securely held in prison (i.e., “he is an escape artist”), then if the State had to execute him to keep the public safe … then I would agree with that action.

Also, abortions are always wrong under any circumstance because the baby is completely innocent … it has harmed no one.

hahahaha… what happened to all life is sacred… and answer my question

Oddly, I feel differently:

  1. I believe its a woman’s choice, with some limitations (for the record, even Palin said she would no longer propose legislation to force her personal ideals on others)
  2. Gays should not be married, but should be allowed a civil union or someting similar, just a different name
  3. I’m all for Kevorkian
  4. Other than that, I’m mostly conservative. This includes not stepping into peoples lives and telling them what they can and can’t do. It includes not playing Peter Pan. It includes rewarding hardwork and frowning on the lazy, but it also includes helping those with disabilities.
    Ya see, its pretty easy, Obama is not a proud American, he took the American Flag off his plane, and replaced it with his own symbol. He, his family, his “former” Pastor and his staff routinely disrespect America, its flag, and what America stands for. The are entrenched to take on Capitalism, personal responsibility and freedom as Americans have known it.

I will go out on a limb and suggest that many of today’s youth do not have the love for America that their parents more importantly their grandparents had/have. Many do not have appreciation. Unfortunately that’s the way we’re headed , as parents, schools and society in general begins to talk and teach less about our founding fathers, what they believed and why. About the opportunities that make America great and about the horrible expense to get here.

Instead , what is focused on is Americas misdeeds, mistakes, and inequality in the eyes of the liberals, teachers and media. A silent movement is growing in America, and its a socialist one. This was predicted, as all known societies go, as the classes of people obtain further disparity, the culture of “what about me” and “I” seem to thwart ones thinking to self. The same self that Obama thinks about when he replaces the American flag on his plane with his symbol. The same self that Obama puts forward when He refused to wear am American flag pin on his lapel, or forgot to open a metting with the Pledge, or when he didn’t put his hand over his heart during the anthem, or when thousands of flags were tossed into the garbage after his convention, or when he lies and says his pastor “never " preached anti-American sentiments with him there, or when his own wife emphasises " this is the first time I have been proud of America”.
Theres a pattern here, they are not all mistakes my friends. Obama may be right, that we need change. If you take the time to review his messages, you will find a socialist man, and egotistical man, who happens to garner 40 million votes off the bat for being the democratic nominee, and millions more for being black. No one listens to the tax increases, the theft of rights, the incompetence and unwillingness to admit he has much to learn if he fills the shoes.

On the other hand, we have a great American patriot, who bleeds red white and blue. That, in and of itself, is reason enough to vote for him.
I am not a McCain fan, when it comes to policy on things such as immigration, and a host of other ideas…but, one thing must be kept in mind…

If we have a democratic congress and a democratic president, LAWS WILL PASS, life will change in way unitended , andthere is no parity. At least with a Republican, there is negotiation and a less intrusive government.

Don’t worry about change, its gonna happen, its gonna happen all by itself.

  1. We need only to look at Nature and Biology to see that homosexual mariage is completely wrong. Male anatomy “fits” perfectly with the female anatomy. Nothing else “works”. For all of time, Nature has dictated it as such. Nothing’s ever gonna change that.

Okay, I guess I’ll debate logically for once.
If you want to bring up nature, go right ahead because you will not be successfull in your endeavors of proving homosexuality as “unfit”. It has been recently proven that homosexuality is infact biological. One cannot help who they are attracted to, it is NOT a life decision nor a conscience decision as that. You speak of nature and how the penis fits within the vagina, etc, etc. Well what about nature and the biological effects homosexuality has on certain individuals?

What about the pursuit of happiness? Because your religious beliefs state homosexuality is not suitable for their liking, that it must not be practiced? As I stated, one can not help whom they are attracted to. So a homosexual person must force themselves to wed a female, bare children and live life unhappy? As if that was very fair for their spouse either… rolls eyes

Ontop of that, homosexuality was widely practiced 500 years before the birth of Jesus Christ. And not to hurt your feelings, but the Christian religion is STOLEN from the egyptians. So you are going to focus your beliefs based upon a religion that was founded off another religion?

takes deep breath

Hypocracy at its finest.

It is Okay to force your beliefs upon somebody.
It is Okay to belittle, degrade and harrass individuals who do not practice the same lifestyles as you.
(I.E. those righteous individuals who protest gays and abortions)

But it is NOT okay to be happy, express your true feelings, and marry your life partner?
Since homosexuals are created from a biological standpoint, they must live life UNHAPPY and fake true feelings JUST TO BE ACCEPTED BY JESUS CHRIST!

…okaaaaay, I’m done.

^If that baby’s mother exercised her “right” to be Pro-choice, then that t-shirt would have a corpse in it instead of a smiling, happy baby.

We need to look beyond what we “see” and think of what is actually going on before our eyes …

Word. :ohnoes im with ya man, and ive given back to what this country was founded on. and may do so once again.

your arguments blow, you have no good support, you wont answer my question, and your plagiarizing like its your job… you lose :stfu

“Christianity - Fraud of the Age - Myth Stolen from Egypt”

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Please, you need to give me time. I’m answering multiple posts here!

I have aquired many, many sources over the years. Catholic Answers issued a “Voting Guide For Serious Catholics” (which was then subsequently copied w/permission on the Priests For Life website).

Do you guys want to carry this conversation on in another thread? Tomorrow?

It’s late, and this is thread jacking to the max …

she chose to have the kid. the idea of pro choice is to allow a women who was raped and impregnated to have options. i dont feel a man and woman who were careless and got pregnant should be able to have an abortion. its not a choice of mine, and doesnt directly impact anything in my life at this time. so let them do as they will.

You practice a religion stolen from the Pagans.


this is state, separate church please. im not religious and dont care to see this bickering continue. keep your opinions and gay bashings to yourself, and vote as you will on november the 4th. Cars and Church… they dont mix.

St. Augustine said (hundreds of centuries ago) that no man can deny the existance of God because He has made Himself readily visible to everyone in Nature itself.

Look around Cliff, look around …

That shirt woulda been to big…

BTW, I am not “pro-abortion”, I am not going to tell anyone what to do with their body, but I certainly wouldn’t call a baby a “punishment” as Obama did.
Seriously though, Cliff, you make some good points, and some would argue that the gene pool is going bad, or that just like there are disabled people, there are gay people due to bad genetics… whatever. I think that for anyone to tell anyone what they can and cant do with their body or mind, behind closed doors is wrong. However I hate flamboyant fags and the gay pride shit, where they force their shit down all out throats. Ya see, we all have beliefs, all will be skewed in different ways, from subjest to subjest, based on our own life experiences and perhaps, even genetics. Are we born a clean slate?? probably not, that’s well documented.

Do my beliefs agree with my Christian faith, well, no.
Thus the paradox many of us live in.

Agnostic Front!