And what has your class taught you about homosexuality in Nature?
That it’s most definitely the extremely rare exception, and not the general rule of this world.
An abstract, not a common.
So what is Nature trying to say then because of that? I know …
Lastly, with all due respect Cliff, and I do mean that, why does it matter if a religion was stolen. Most religions are dirivitives from others. Seems a bit off topic and to be a strange argument.
Okay, lets call it stolen. Next.
no… your wrong
ive got pictures for every occasion, lets keep this up!
Actually, you’re right… most religions are based off the Pagan religion, lol. Yeah, it’s irrelevant, lets move on.
for the sake of argument, post cliff and i had our 666th posts in this thread.
^The Sacred being used for the sublime. Truly, the actions of a world gone mad.
Now (if you think you can) take a look at the Truth …
…Is that Mel Gibson?
Using the picture of a man who was paralyzed from an equine accident to make a joke is pretty low.
Don’t you think?
Missionary position, lights off.
I’ll be honest, I clearly enjoy anal sex with my gf. I also like blowing my load on her face. I also enjoy blowjobs.
No, that’s just hilarious… oh my god! LOL!!!
Anyways… I respect Jammer. He does not cram his beliefs down my throat.
You on the other hand…
ok, ive had enough fun for the evening.