McCain Fans: IN

McCain FTL

they both suck so it dosent rly matter.

I wasn’t impressed with either candidate tonight. I HATE how they avoid the actual question to talk down the other candidate.

true that


yea in my opinoin we look screwed either way

Yeah true. I think it’s one big clusterfuck

Typical during a debate but I agree.

It’s nice to see a Democrat with balls push against the smear campaign but I guess that makes it worse?

please stop posting. Everyone is getting dumber

And they both want to spend LOTS of money :ohnoes… oh well national debt isn’t important


This debate was on while we were all at Wings n Rings…Elliot was watching it.

:lol, true. I actually laughed at a few of the comments toward McCain being in office so long.

4cyl FTL


McCain is a Maverick. He’s all Mavericky and shit. Fuck yea.

I died laughing when he was talking about how we need to be able relate to the new President. Yea, he reminds me of my crazy old grandfather. :lol

And the whole “my friends” and him blinking every second is WEIRD.

But, it’s good to know Travis supports any retards based on their views on guns. :lol

I’ll stick around and let Jammer or whoelse tell me I am a retard and how I don’t know what I’m talking about because I am somehow a Democrat because I think retards like GWB/Cheney (Fucking abuser)/McCain/Palin are retards. :ahh

McCain just said “Nuclear Power is safe”. :lol Did they have basic science when he was in school? Did they have school? :nuts

I’ve come to the conclusion that both Obama and McCain are clowns, and that McCain can not go more than one response, or even commercial on tv for that matter and not sling mud, it seemed almost childish in how he handled his ‘rebuttles’ this evening.

wow… this thread FTL.

check it out - none of your votes will matter. NY is primarily democratic and will go democratic no matter what. When all is said and done your votes don’t really matter anyway because the president is picked based upon an electoral college and not the popular vote. Besides, you can just call for a recount whenever you want now.

I’m sick of the whole deal in general. Politicians are all scumbags, and not a god damn one of them, democrat or republican, gives a fuck about this country as a whole or any of the people in it.

America does need a change, but its gonna take alot more than one fucking election.