are the real motha fuckin pimps…true story
posting from tiki lounge ftw
are the real motha fuckin pimps…true story
posting from tiki lounge ftw
if ur posting on pittspeed from a bar that tells me that your striking out w/ the ladies
x eleventy million
:owned: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:
@ thread backfire
I have seen that movie… its called Liar Liar!
Oh snap son!
attempting coolness resulting failure

i don’t think they struck out with the ladies, i thought they were dating each other:dunno:
thats what i thought also
they werent at tiki lounge they were at pegasus=FTW
how would you know did you see them there? must of since you knew where they were
nope i walked to blush there was a red mr2 parked outside and burnyd wasnt at blush
do you mean you went to put your blush on in the bathroom and seen them two dyking it out so you proceeded to join?
you would have been there if your head fit through the door