me and the dog almost got our ass's kicked

maybe your angry looking neon headlights pissed the deer off. seems to me you started it.

your probably right

naw he is wrong…the deer was some kind of tuffguy and he wanted to kick your ass for dumping $ into suck a gay turd you call your car.

:rofl: what is your problem with the neon… I mean seriously your so offenseive that I have that car. do you think about me everyday? Do you wake up in the morning realizing that I still own this car and cut another line on your arm in front of the mirror?

I may not like some of the cars people drive on this forum but I dont make it a point to say something about their cars in every thread. For example, I dont care for cutty’s cars and how he gets a stiffy anytime he sees a 1987 monte driving down the road… but I dont talk shit in every thread about it.

grow up, your 28 years old

:bowrofl: :bowrofl:

Not sure if you realize but you are the only one I get on about your car. I really don’t know why. I think you may be taking me the wrong way. Think of it as a form of tough love. I know deep down you realize you are putting way too much $ and time into a car that you have to realize is a joke. There are too many people out there that buy a car for whatever reason…being they came across a good deal, got it for free, judgment error…then they fool themselves into thinking they actually like the car and dump loads of time and money into it. I know you are this guy and I am just trying to help you out. As for Cutty, that kid genuinely loves that car and I feel he doesn’t fall into this category. So I would just take it as someone going out his way to help you out. I want to save you time and $ for something you will regret. I know your first reaction will be to deny this, but it is the truth. I would highly advice you to sell that pile you cherish so much and get a car with a respectable platform that you actually love. I will guarantee you will be a lot more happy in the long run.

as I said, its a fun car, and I like it. im not out to make it a 10sec car.
yes, there are other car’s I would like to own but I’ll never get rid of this car. I havent put nearly as much money into this car as you think. Its my money anyways so why do you care?

you remind me of the stack of money in the gieco commercials. " This could be the money you save by switching to a Trans Am" :rofl:

dear? :ugh2:


suck? :ugh2:

want my old dog, she was part wolf, never had to feed her, just let her lose in the morning, by noon she had food for 3 days, normaly a 6 or 8 point. she took out about 3/4 of the deer in penn township the year we had her, then a hunter shot her cause she took ‘his’ little 4 point.

Well it seems a pair of 7 year olds can take on a deer.

[ame=“”]YouTube- Crazy Deer Attacks Little Football Player - KDKA[/ame]

where is 1slowr/t? locked up in the county? lol

If the deer decided to stick around and battle after one of my vicious right crosses to the nose, it would be a battle to the death, and we’d all be enjoying some delicious venison. I’d would seriously love to battle a pissed off deer. Great test of man vs. wild. No rules, no boundaries, just the biological instinct to survive/kill. Fucking awesome.

If it was a decent sized buck in the middle of rut I dont think you’d want to battle it…it would more then likely fuck you up if it really attacked you…they are very strong animals

Thats fucking crazy man. My dad always talks about how back in HS he had a '67 RS/SS Camaro and a dear ran straight into the rear quarter of it while him and my mom and a couple other people were in the car at a stop sign.


and i had the same happen as above ^

I was on streets run road in bumper to bumper traffic and a deer got spooked, jumped the gaurd rail and went head first into my drivers door… broke it’s neck on impact, i wasn’t even moving.

Cute, you asked for permission.

this happened to me before, i was driving and there were two deer, a mother and its baby and the little one was scared as hell and hit my car, it didnt do any damage though… i also got charged by a deer in my back yard, i dont think i have ever run as fast as i did that day

but when my dad had his 72 chevelle, he was driving and saw a deer running towards the road, he knew the deer would have smashed it if he kept going at that speed so he floored it and the deer missed the car :hs: