me vs. 5.0 = summons UGH

Wow and you have had this bike how long?

A summons tells you to be at court a certain day. Call the local court in the town you got stopped in and ask them if you are scheduled for an appearance.

Also, it may not be a good idea to post your speed and everything on a public forum. It can be used in court against you.

i hope frys right

Lesson learned… don’t stop for cops if you’re on a crotch rocket. :slight_smile:


PM me when you want to sell the bike … j/k :stuck_out_tongue: but seriously…

im not selling! i love it! my aunts finding out now through a lawyer she knows for cheektowaga if theres anything pending in my name, everyone seems to think im acting crazy and the cop is just trying to scare me, which i hope is true

Yeah, the cop could just be a dick who told you to go home and wait for the summons to fuck with you. Give you a nice stressful month or so.

^thats my thought as well.

all the cops in cheektowaga are dicks.
and MOST of the time they arent shooting radar. so its possible that he saw you speeding, didnt have his radar on, and made the shit up about the speed. ive had a cheektowaga cop do it to me before, pretty sure he did it just to be an asshole since i was only doing 5 over the limit.

From what he said I think it was State Police not a local cop.

ah, i missed that. they’re still dicks too. lol

In NY you CAN be convicted by an trained officers visual reading of speed. Also, if he pulled over two cars, he can easily not even bother with speed and hit you with street racing, reckless driving, etc.

I was pulled over once and the officer said he was “issuing me a summons.” He didn’t give me any paperwork, I never got anything in the mail and my license was never suspended. Nothing happened at all. I think he was just trying to prod me.

this i know, but he said i was doing 55 in a 40, when i was doing 45, which it not only said on my speedo, but also on my gps, not to mention the escort didn’t go off so i KNOW he wasn’t shooting.

i should have an answer in the next couple of hours

If you are having a lawyer check to see if you have any record yet, it may come back with nothing. The cop can really file charges anytime he wants and doesn’t have to be today, this week, or this month.

well its gotta be within 30 days

I’ll get around to it when I get this crap off my desk.

Are you sure? I know the statue of limitations for crimes and misdemeanors is like 2 years. I didn’t think there was one for traffic violations.

Just keep an eye on the mail for a summons. Last thing you want would be to get something and miss your appearance and find out the hard way you have a warrant out.

I’d give it a week and if you haven’t heard anything by then, then I don’t see the cop filing anything for this.

my aunts lawyer friend got back to me, he said he hasnt heard of any cop sending something in the mail without giving me a ticket first, he told me not to worry even though i still am, he said if something comes in the mail he’ll take care of it