me vs. 5.0 = summons UGH

on the xxx today a new 5.0 came up on my ass i dropped down to 4th and pulled 10 train lengths on him, i shifted back up to 6th and he got on me again, this time he slowly passed me untilllllllllllll lights started going off, pulled over by a trooper =(

he let the other guy go with a warning cause i spoke with him after, and said he was just going to give me a summons, no ticket yet and the whole thing took about 90 seconds, he said he got both of us at 90, after he thanked me for not taking off on him and lectured me

idk wtf a summons is besides showing up to court, is this worse than a ticket? advice please

It means the court will decide how to proceed, how long the licence could be suspended, and how large a fine to assess.

i hope its just a violation =(

Basically you’re fuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

Jk, I have no idea. Expect to hear it though, cuz you’ve got one of those darn fangled crotch machines.

street racing is a pretty heavy ordeal. you can lose your license and have it suspending for awhile.

what did the officer write down as your violation? does it just say speeding? any thing over 35mph over the speed limit is 8 points i do believe. are you under 21?

im 23, the WHOLE thing lasted less than 90 seconds, he gave me NO paper work he just said im going to give you a summons, my dad said he doesnt think he gave me anything idk

if it was racing why did he let the other guy go?

im totally confused, i thought with racing they impound your shit and youre fucked, im thinking ill get a speeding ticket and knock it down and get a lawyer or something

---------- Post added at 11:14 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:10 PM ----------

EDIT: i was just reading up, i guess the officer hasnt decided what to charge me with yet thats when i get the thing in the mail idk wtf to think, hopefully i dont get anything and he lets me off

im not the cop so i dont know why your asking me what the cop did.

how many other violations do you have on your license currently?

if the courts decide to only give you a speeding ticket you do not need a lawyer. just plead not guilty, they will reduce it.

if you have points on your license, still plead not guilt, they will lower it but double your fine.

if the cop didnt write anything up, then keep your freaking mouth shut retard and say you dont know what they are talking about and plead not guilty.

if they charge with reckless driving, street racing, endangerment, etc… call a lawyer and go get a loan to pay for him. 1,000 dollars later. your in the clear.

send me a check fggt. for 20 dollars

LOL about the check, i have 0 points on my license right now, im hopin for the best

i think if it was anything reallly major like street racing etc, both of us would have been towed away

If you are going to speed, you should know the consequences. Take it from me, I learned my lesson the hard way. 100 in a 55, no signal lane change and unsafe lane change. 14 points in one pull over. Expect to bring a lawyer as much as it sucks, your going to need one. The judge will pretty much throw the book at you if you just show up and expect to have it dropped. Wear something nice, as in a shirt and tie. Trust me, it shows you actually care about not getting fucked.

If this was in the city of Buffalo, your going to be eff’d. Hopefully you don’t have to go down to the TVB, if you do then your really not going to see anything less than the maximum penalty.

this was in cheektowaga near walden im hoping he doesnt send anything, maybe he’ll change his mind, if i get something ill plead not guilty

you are supposed to be towed away if you do 40+mph over the speed limit and i wasnt. 99 in a 55.

the only reason why i know so much about the court system is that i had a grand total of 34 points in a 2 year period, i walked away with 10 points on my license. 6 years later i still havent gotten a ticket but im still feeling the after affects of it all.

Dude, they don’t change their mind. You were speeding, you got busted and they are going to take your money. No doubt about it, that’s how they get paid. Just get a lawyer and wait to get your summons.

DO NOT get a lawyer first. thats a waste of time and money. find out what you are being charged with first and explain to the court that since your lawyer is not present you would like to wait until he is present.

In for results. good luck…

I would have expected him to give you some sort of paperwork… very odd.

Yea i think he is just making you sweat it out

im def on my toes, he let the 5.0 go completely he just told the guy to be careful, if it was racing and he got both of us i dont think he’d just charge one of us, im hoping i receive nothing and i just shit my pants for the next 30 days, or something like a 80 in a 55 and get a few points

anyone know a trooper? find out wtf no paperwork means

In for results. Never heard of them saying, “we’re going to hit you with something, just not sure yet”. WTF is up with that? I’m wondering if it’s because he plans to hit you with every ticket he can think of and didn’t feel like doing all that paperwork on the side of a busy highway.

god i hope not, there’s a couple of guys at work here that are good friends with troopers, im gonna see if theres anything pending against me

So he let the other guy go, and he didn’t give you any paperwork to take with you? I’m pretty sure you got let go too.