Meatheads talking about eachother's meat and increasing the size of their meat. MEAT.

Here ya go, lets clear this casein protein thing out first.

Alan - my statement about casein being over-rated was sarcasm. Travis is the one who reiterated that point several times throughout this thread and stated whatever I said he will not listen to because I’m a firm believer in nitric oxide.

So I’d like to thank you for proving my statement in regards to the casein protein / PM protein (which is the whey and casein mixed)… and also something I fully understood. I myself also read severa articles that a casein / whey combination will increase results dramatically opposed to just a whey substance.

As for NO2, post up your research evidence backing your claims

I found an article pertaining to this. A research done by the University of Texas supports the claims of nitric oxide.

Link supplied below

Also a link directly off that shows that users that have taken no2 have seen greater results.

“The obvious conclusion reached is that nitric oxide supplementation does prove effective for eliciting gains in lean body mass”

But for something like no2 it can go back and forth… link is supplied below

As for the claims on CEE, when was that article written? The website I noticed was created in 2007… I was taken CEE at the end of 06, beginning of 07. If there was research done BEFORE that, I was unaware, but if the research came after that, then there was nothing there to support your claims, so I ask, could you really blame someone for taking CEE? Now that I’ve read studies pertaining to CEE, if I ever get back into a regular workout routine I’ll have to try a different route.