Mechanical Engineer Salary?

I know some places are subjective to which degree they want and thanks for everyone that replied with worthwhile info.

for those that asked why anyone would go into met, for me personally I was an Idiot the last 2 years of high school and slacked on math and physics. Im very mechanically inclined however so I went to ECC for a year for MET then applied and was accepted to buff state for MET. I would have tried to go to UB but the amount of credits I would have lost were huge.

Also, I almost blame the ECC MET advisor for putting me in all major classes and no gen eds my first year :smash2: so I would have had to start over at UB.

also I apologize to the OP for epically jacking his thread

I agree. There are too many people that have “been around long enough” that they can’t get rid of them, but they are completely worthless. They end up as managers of “special projects”. ie, things that are irrelevant.

That’s why I’m working on my MBA. Once you make the jump to management you tend to get promoted to your next higher level of incompetence and I intend to fail my way to the top. :slight_smile:

the T is for technologist in the context your using it in (also according to the DOL occupational outlook handbook)

but I agree, nothing will come easy if im looking to get into certain companies.

on an unrelated note,the MET department chair said two years ago almost the entire BSC mini baha team got recruited by honda. thats quite impressive and would be my dream job

Back in 96 BSC only offered B.T. :frowning:
I should have gone dual major too:(
A minor in their C.I.S. was cake and more fun.

2 B.S. degree’s > 1 B.S. ME. :stuck_out_tongue:

isn’t that the truth!

I FINALLY got my boss to buy off and send me back for mine; now I just gotta take my GMATs and try and get accepted!!! Then back to work 40hrs/school the rest, and try to have some sort of a life with my GF the rest of the time.

I’m trying to get Fry’s employer to pay for an MBA i think.

One side note about getting a B.S. degree needs to be that a Masters is
only ~30 more credit hours. If I had taken the time to look into that during
my undergrad, I would have been on to the next degree already.

wow, that really sucks that they did that back in the day

and I wish I had too

lol yea, everyone thinks they are going to walk into megabucks with an eng degree - fact of the matter is only a certain percentage of engineers make it anywhere because you have to actually do a good job not just sit on your ass and collect a check.

True, and you have to know how to kiss-ass to the right people as well. That’s the problem I have… I know what I’m doing, but I just can’t pucker up and kiss someones ass.

My advice is to not spend money on your car until you buy a place…

I can kiss ass if required, but I also do not pretend to be the smartest person in the room. I figure I can learn something from everyone.

Most engineers are socially challenged when dealing with people
of differing intelligence levels.

That… and most engineers LOVE to illustrate how smart they are.
IMO, Thats the easiest form of ass kissing.
It’s also what alienates them.

Get an internship… Even if its the worst one available, you will be able
to watch and learn from the sheeple.

My buddy just got an ME job with a company outside cuse and he is getting 55k plus a 2k signing bonus. He will graduate this spring.

A masters in engineering (esp. mech.) is almost worthless in 95% of the fields, and is really only good if you want to be a lifer. If you are trying to advance, and be successful, you aren’t trying to be a lifer.

My favorite is all the ME-Ts that listened to the hype that their degree was the “same” but just more “hands-on”. :lol:

Sure, ME-Ts may land some jobs that are good, but so do people that dropped out of high-school. They so aggressively defend it, the inferiority complex must be crippling.

Wow, so your “superiority” complex must be so extreme then… How do you fit through doorways with your head being that large? I’ve often wondered that about ME’s who think they are greater than everyone else; especially the supervisors.

How does one walk through a door when you have a head like Mr Mackey? Or sleep for that matter; you’ve got to have one hell of a funny looking bed or one killer neck ache in the mornings.

list one class that ME’s take that MET’s are not offered :ohnoes:

I could list a few that are only offered to METs

Hrm, I’m almost tempted to view the two posts from winners on my IL, I’m sure they are filled with insight.

A few ME’s I went to school with were fucking practical knowledge retards.
Theory and formulas mean squat when you are too dense to apply it.