Meet and Cruise poll PLEASE VOTE !!!!


PLEASE VOTE if you will be eating at the Mandarin or not because Im finding many of you are coming to the Mandarin just to hang out at the parking lot while the rest of us go inside and eat.
Im not cool with this, so if more then 50% of the people will eat at the Mandarin we will stick to the plan. If more the 50% will not eat at the Mandarin then we will skip the Mandarin and we will hang out at Square one till like 7:00pm and then go straight to the cruise and we will hit a nice burger/steak joint on Airport road called Zets…Im sure it will be much, much cheaper that way too so no one complains about the price.



Im good either way.

I would prefer Zets or w/e because im not a huge fan of mandarin.

I voted no.

But it also depends on the wife…wait a minute…she doesn’t get a choice.

Zet’s is good I love the food there. Especially their steaks. That place is the best bang for the buck, awesome food and good prices.

And it’s not out of our way it’s prety much on the same path as the cruise anyway.

So what’s going on in terms of food and shit?

We will have to wait and see, if people vote No for Mandarin then we will go to Zet’s by the airport right after the cruise. Zet’s will be cheaper for people. Personaly I don’t mind going to the Mandarin or Zet’s so I thought I would leave it up to the people who are coming to deside on where they want to go, that way it’s fair to the majority of the people who will be coming. So it’s up to them to vote where they want to go…Ah Democracy, you got to love it.

I’ll vote for Zets since I haven’t been there before.

Mandarin, been there done that x eleventy billion

i try not to support chinese food restaurants other than my own.

plus i cant eat at the mandarin anyways because all the food is crap. i’ve never had
a good dining experience at any mandarin.

i’d rather pay to get a little bit of great stuff rather then pay to get alot of poo.

Zet’s is good eats. Lotsa of food for a low price.

And it’s 24/7. So we can hang out for a bit, but the parking lot is shit. Might not fit everyone.

I voted yes for mandarin, cuz I like the food there, LOL…

but either way it’s fine for me… as long as I get some food to eat… LOL

We can use Musclemags parking or Fujis parking next door so parking will not be a problem at all.

If Zet’s continues to beat out the Mandarin by 7:00pm tonight I will cancel the Mandarin and Zet’s it is!



Okay Im not going to wait till 7:00PM the Mandarin was clearly voted out.

So no more Mandarin, ZET’S it will be.

This be Zets? :dunno:

Zet’s Restaurant
6445 Airport Rd.
Mississauga, ON, L4V 1E4
Phone: 905-678-1114

Zet’s Restaurant is open 24 hours, 7 days a week! Enjoy breakfast all day long as well as sumptuous steaks, souvlaki, hamburgers, seafood, salads and chicken.

For more information, please contact:
Steve Pappas, Manager
Phone: 905-678-1114

^ YUP!!! That’s the one!

F*ck why do i have to be vegetarian :x o well w/e is there vege stuff at

zets… seems very meat eater orientated?

you should also consider what your emissions do to the environment, give up driving, and generously donate your car to me. just a thought. :wink:


Meh only vege cause i was born that way :oops: … :shock: but wtf hahah ratmonster!!! :!:

will it be possible to obtain a son membership at the meet?

yea id like to get one too?? is it 10 dollars if i purchase it there?