meet and race?

don,t no if this is the right spot for this but looking for some people to meet up some were chill, check out each others cars, talk car $hit and get some videoed runs going (cash optional)? sound good to anyone? not trying to to get arrested or start fights or get shot so if thats your idea of fun well… don’t respond… any takers?

i smell bacon…

I agree.

?bacon? come on for real?


Dam cops.

i’ll race you, but only for a grand. And you should know i have 800hp and trap 115 in the 1/8.

Where have I seen that before…

This is the forum to post kills. IE I raced someone and they kicked my noob ass.

The meets and get together section is where you post meets and such.

This thread reeks, check out the meets section you will see that there are lots of them going on. If you want to have your own meet, pick a date time and location and try to get someone to go out.

That is all

IB4TL oh wait, I am locking it…