
Anyone been on this? Looking to go to NYC and the tickets are just stupid cheap plus won’t need to deal with the hell of JFK. Was going to do the train but this is a lot cheaper but have some concerns.

How are the buses setup? I am tall so is it like being crammed into a plane for 8 hours or are they a bigger? Any bad or good things?

Is this the one that runs into china town? If so, I would avoid it like the plague.

Bigger than a plane (Im 6’5" 270 and it wasnt as terrible as a plane is for me). I took it to NYC one time when I needed to go pick up a car there. I would do it again (mayyyyybe) if I got the roundtrip for about $50. Otherwise…it sucked hard. Driving is such a better idea. Park in Queens or somewhere with street parking if you have the ability to move the car as necessary and just take the subway into Manhattan.

Ya. I rather not put the miles on my car. My two options were either Megabus was less than $100 round trip or renting a car and just driving to park in Queens and take the subway in but the parking a car somewhere I can leave it for 2 days straight would be tough since it will be Friday afternoon when I get into town and not touch it again until Sunday afternoon. Plus the car alone is $100, plus gas and tools so can easily put that at double the mega bus price.

From what I’ve heard it makes People Of Walmart look like a red carpet crowd. If you do it please take pictures. I was just skimming over some reviews and the best one was, “I feel like I’m being transported to prison”.

Is your car a lease?

Hahaha. Oh dear god. I just got a text from a friend who rode it and they said they got delayed like an hour because some crazy person was yelling stuff and wouldn’t sit down or something ridiculous.

Ya. I don’t drive much in the summer since I have the bike but rather not put 1,000 miles on it in a weekend. Haha

small animals, poultry and the like are allowed on the Fung Wah bus fyi. Saw that busted bus line running between NYC & Boston living in Hartford, and heard a ton of epic stories.

Take the bus.
Take pictures.
Post pictures.

OT: glad you finally took down your Halloween window decorations from your office window.

Was I the only one that thought MegaBus sounded like a porn series?

Well crap, with my A-List membership from Southwest and my points, I can fly to Laguardia for $10.

Problem solved.

I never put them up. There was a random dog in a Christmas present too that showed up.

I figured this was about porn or about porn in a monster truck bus.

I’ve never taken it, but have heard plenty of horror stories. Trip is way over 8 hours as well from what I’ve heard.

I’ve been on it from Boston. Not too bad.

They have “free wifi” aka one mifi on 3g for like, 80 people.

I would muchhhh rather pay the $140 round trip via JetBlue than take a bus. Ever.

When it was windy a few weeks ago I passed one doing about ~30 down the 90… I see them on there all the time, usually going faster than 30 though.
I saw it from a good way away with 4 ways on… then 3 seconds later I’m right on top of it. I don’t blame them for going so slow… the things are a massive wall. I’m not saying tractors have it easier, but generally there’s air space between the axles. The megabus sit so low there’s nothing.

You mean this bus?

Or this one?


"All I heard was hollering and screaming, blood,"Martin said. “There was the front window.”

“I just kept hearing people hollering,” Martin said. “There was blood everywhere.”,0,536199.story


How can you hear blood?
