I turned it off immediatly. 5 mins later I turned it back on cause I didn’t think anything got into it. It popped… That’s why I think I’m screwed
i suggest you buy cheap laptops…and expensive champagne in your case … no one ever wants to waste an expensive drink…but seriously good luck
if it popped, you are wasting your time attempting to salvage it.
i did this to my ibook only with diet pepsi. my hard drive is fine but the LCD burned out. it made the popping sound and smelled like an electrical fire.
i had to get a new one. :meh:
is it still not working?
if you have nothing worthwhile to contribute then keep quiet
Yes you are screwed. Turning it back on was a dumb move.
There is not much you can do other then give it to someone who is willing to work on it. Mainboard is like $150+ then time into it, hope you replace the right part, ect… buy another one.