so i dropted my i phone in a puddle

wtf do i do now its off and im waiting for it to dry out. what now?

it was working after i did it but had messages after saying odd things. so now what?

microwave it

fucker cramer beat me

i was hoping for a real anwser, anyone?

say good bye to it.
wish it well it its next life
blow the fucking thing up.
get new phone.

hair dryer ,for real on low let it blow over the phone and in th eseams

go right to the apple store and get a new one… should be a year warranty iirc.

Not for water damage

really and say what?

most of the time, under the battery you will have a white circle and if its get wet, it turns to a red color. i know verizon just looks at that first. if its water damaged its NOT covered by insurance. i found that out the hard way. get a cheap phone off of the internet. has some good ones

gotchya, bitch.

seriously just let it air out and once it’s dry recharge it and if it works it works if it doesnt it doesnt

can they tell if i lie


they cant get the battey out of an i phone

trust me the “genius’s” will find out.

They can see the circle.

The electrical will be fine if you don’t turn it on or try to use it after it happened. It can’t break if there is no electricity circulating.

This is the standard procedure.

  1. Shut it off instantly
  2. Shake off all major water out of it
  3. Take the battery out (If applicable)
  4. Hair dry it on low heat until it seems like your hands should fall of and it’s done… then hair dry it some more.
  5. When you’re brave and the thing is baking in heat try to turn it on.

shit this will be the 3rd i phone i had to buy

i can tell you right now, i’d get a new phone. no if’s and’s or but’s.



A. stop buying them
B. dont go near puddles