How do I get water out of my cell phone

So my phone fell out of my pocket today at work and I noticed until about half way through that fucking monsoon that we got. Waited until the rain let up and there she was… right in the parking lot. To my surprise it was still on and kicking! Now there is condensation all up in my shizz. Both screens are fogged to shit, and there is clearly a bit of built up water on the external screen. Any thoughts on how to get the water out?

Got a few solutions here:

I tried heating mine under a desk light but it didn’t work. Never was able to restart it up. You’re really lucky it’s still turning on. Good luck!

put it in the microwave

TURN IT OFF!! take the battery out and let it dry for a day


TURN IT OFF!! take the battery out and let it dry for a day


I turned it off and took the battery as soon as I found it.


TURN IT OFF!! take the battery out and let it dry for a day


truth right there. Don’t turn it on until after a few days of drying out. That is the best way to do it and ensure that it will function again.

Put it in the fridge, or a box of rice. Typically it will remove the moisture.

Warning: I have done neither because anytime I’ve gone into the water with my phone it was hosed. So I do not stand behind these if any rice damage occurs, or if your phone comes out with neons and stickers all over it, I am not at fault.

There are all kinds of tricks out there to dry them out like put it in a bag of rice, etc. I put mine through the washing machine. It was on when it went in and obviously off when it came out, I left it off for over a week to make sure it dried good. Ended up needing a new battery but works perfect since.

bowl of rice works pretty good

Awesome! Thanks everyone :clap:, i’m going to start giving some of these a try.

The key here is making sure you DO NOT power the thing up all ALL for a few days, a week or longer is best, but id say after 2 days of drying it should be good… Its going to need to be heated up a good bit and held there for a while to dry out. The thing could still work fine, just make sure the battery is out, open any little ‘doors’ it may have, possibly put it on a cookie sheet and put it in the oven at like 150 or so? Or just take a hair dryer to it for like 30 mins…

Make dam sure its dry before you try using it again…

i would avoid heat…

someone give this guy a call and give him some more advice :tup:

I bought the waterproof phone so I wouldn’t have this problem anymore.


Put it in the fridge, or a box of rice. Typically it will remove the moisture.

Warning: I have done neither because anytime I’ve gone into the water with my phone it was hosed. So I do not stand behind these if any rice damage occurs, or if your phone comes out with neons and stickers all over it, I am not at fault.


fridge works if you have not tried to turn it one once wet

I fell in a river with mine in my pocket. I took it apart and put it by the dehumidifier. After a few days the water was gone from inside the screen and it worked fine. Only thing is, since that incident the phone no longer makes a noise/ring when I get a text or voice message:wtf: Several people have tried, but no luck. I need a new phone but I can’t kill this one off.

Submerge in isopropyl alcohol to displace the water

microwave ftw

put it in a ziplog bag with dry rice in the sun. heat makes the moistsure turn in vapor and the rice absorbs it

how did this turn out? I walked to my room to find my phone soaked in cat piss! Excellent.I have a mattress and phone soaked in urine.