cell phone dead?

Long story short, my cell phone went for a swim, anything i can do to try and get it running again? It was still on when i pulled it out/dried it off, but wasn’t getting any signal, turned it off and now this morning it wont do anything lol Or am I just SOL… not that big of a deal but it’d be nice to get all my old contacts off of the phone somehow!

First of all turning it back on while its still damp is bad…

If something electronic falls in water the best bet is to take it apart if possible and let it dry for a few days…

i left mine on a windowsill in the sun for a few days and it worked…

take off the batt and put it in the fridge for a few days

if you did not try to turn it back on wet you should be ok but if you did you could be fucked

Can you explain the logic behind this?

3 days in a bowl of rice. 3 days is the magic number. if it doesnt work after that, its toast.

edit: and LZ is right, trying to turn it back on while still damp/wet is a big no.

Rice? Toast? Fatty :lol:


well i didn’t turn it back on, it was still on when i pulled it out of the water, then i turned it off and let it sit over night

i’ll try the rice trick, someone else at work recommended that too

It’s probably dead because you failed the most critical step, immediately removing the battery.

battery is removed! well, was until i tried it again just now lol

edit well according to that list i failed miserably with step 6 haha i definitely used a hair dryer… should have known, wiki has answers for everything :stuck_out_tongue:

i loved telling people this at the store, the look on their face when the realized that they might have been able to save it is priceless.

I was told the fridge thing when i worked at radioshack :gotme: dont know if it works

put it in a bag of rice or take a heat gun to it like 3 feet away for about 20 min …

heat + water = possible corrosion.

DON’T take a heat gun / hair dryer to it.

the rice will absorb any moisture.

I’ve done that before. I just let it dry for a couple days, and it usually works.

too late lol

i’ll try the rice anyways…

lol at a heat gun… hold it about 5in away it will fix the water problem :tup:

better yet

bag of dry rice
put said phone in rice
seal bag
place in microwave
heat on high 5 min
(for microwave’s 1300w or higher 4min will be fine)

put it in the microwave for 30 seconds.

lol im thinking more like 5 min in the microwave