Member's Meet section?

should we have a new section for more private meets?

I’m thinking this is a good way to get around posting some of the snow-drift and other stuff…

ya feel?

i think its an awsome idea.

Sounds like a plan!

A meet up of SON’s ballers aka people who drop $10 or more just to be able to put up an avatar pic and have a sig :slight_smile:

Awesome idea. Bing FTW!



We should one day have an Old school meet. Old school meet is for people that have been here for at least 3 or 4 years min. Not that it’s not nice seeing new faces and meeting new people or anything, I just thought it would be cool so have a small meet with some of the originals from SON, they guys I remember when I first joined. … then again some of those guys became sell outs and now drive other cars :frowning:

I know exactly what you mean. It’s like the kind of people that when you see them at the meet you say “Hey what’s up <insert_name_here>” instead of “Hey, youuuuuuuuuuu”

i was thinking about this one friday…good call boys!

old school meet sounds like fun. to bad i’m new school lol.

man… I didn’t even read about the fact that I could put down an avatar. I feel so blessed. lol

i think we should also have a members meet where the ppl that pay to be here can meet up and chill i`m pretty sure half the ppl that pay are old enough for the bars

I say we have a meet that requires a female passenger quota. vehicle occupancy must be between 66.6% and 75.0% female or more…if you can fit more than 3 passengers in. If any one female takes up more than one seat…she shouldn’t be in your car.

How much do you like short skirts climbing out of the back seat?

ummm, inappropriate…yes…Spring fever!

Its even better when you tell them they have to put they’re legs over the other seat and sit sideways :wink:

^Yeah, you know it bud, hahah

So who’s 87s15lt1?

have yet to meet you mark. I think…lol.

Chris, 21 years old. Apprentice Mechanic. Father and I run a shop in Brampton north. This was all in my intro. I don’t expect you to look for that though lol.

Not a big ass party person. But, a couple beers over some pool…or wings…or sonny’s!

Theres a friggin idea. Who has EVER been to Sonny’s in Brampton? If you have, you know exactly what I mean. If you have not…oh man. I say that’s our next meet lmao

Sonnys :bowdown:

When you want to get a burger late at night and can’t stand fast food joints or Dennys’ :o

…they don’t have lettuce…hmpf.

Gonad…you could not of said it better.

Mind you, you will piss from your ass the next day lol.

Mike, lettuce is just to healthy for Sonny’s!!!

Fuck no! I need my lettuce lol…and its to cold to eat there lol. Your forced to either eat in your car or on the picnic bench, haha.