Member's Meet section?

Don’t believe what you hear, believe what you see… and even then look twice to be sure.

I highly doubt it closed down!!! That place is the bussiest restaurant in the airport area. Maybe they are doing renovations or something.

If anyone drives by there please post an update.


zets is far from closing

but the sword and shield has

yea the s&s is def closed. i drove past area 240 the other night…i was going to go in but decided not to.

members meets is where its at.

John, let’s have a mini meet when you come back

Elitist bologne.

Toronto240sx, I don’t know if you recall, most likely not, but you were the very first person I ever met on the forums. You told me to join.

This was… something like 5 or 6 years ago. I came into your dealership near Orfus if I recall correctly, and my dad was lookin for an SUV, I was asking if any of the lots nearby had 240sx’s for sale, thens omeone pointed me in your direction. We talked for a bit.

My neighbour, some of you know him, Bryan Kramer, also had an s14 and after a year I joined up here and began searching.

Dude I would love to but I got so much to do when I get back that 2 weeks will not cover it, being Easter and all. I will see what I can do. If I can sqeeze a Go cart meet in there or sopmething. I will post it in the Meet section.

Now I remember who you are!!! How ya doing man? I knew we talked before I just couldn’t remember if I met you at the dealership or at a meet. So what kind of SUV did your father end up buying? If I recall right we didn’t have something he liked but the kilometers were too high.

Hey Jon, ya work on a old school meet. I am really not on SON anymore but would love to meet with some of you Guys. I know I did not answer that questions but I think that I can be expempt as I have been here for over 8 years :slight_smile:

I would love to set up an old school meet but it’s kind of hard for since I work in Europe now. I will be in Canada from April 5th to the 20th but I won’t have enough time to set up a meet. Plus in April most people still have their cars stored.

Maybe when I return in August. An old school meet sounds awesome, I would love to see some of the originals, the people I remember from 2003/2004…those were the days!

Yeah the old school meet would be fun.

well maybe ill host another wasaga meet like i did a couple years ago and we can do zets then mosy on down to wasaga