Memorial Auditorium....inside pics

i don’t know who’s photo’s these are…just something i stumbled upon a while ago.

as for that blood shot, that freaked me out also. I would love to get in there, but you don’t know who could be in there.

no but seriously…who wants to go inside?

I honestly dont think I’d go in there without my respirator that I use when stripping cars/painting. The amount of crap/asbestos in the air there must be ridiculous.

criminal trespass in the 2nd or 3rd you could also be charged with and even criminal mischief/ vandalism etc. just because the person in the building says they didnt do something doesnt mean a police officer cant or wont charge them. How does the officer know that “you” didnt spray paint something, tear out a chair etc

It smells realllllllllly bad in there and its really a health hazard to be in there…i wouldnt go in.

Did you see the orb in that one picture?
It had a smiley face.:slight_smile:
Rumor has it the ghost of Tim Horton is in there.:eek:
During a full moon it smells like coffee and donuts in there!

Yea but all he really wanted to do was kick in a door

When they start tearing that thing down, I’m stealing a row of oranges.

They are going to sell/auction the seats.

effing word

i don’t like hanging out in places with old bum shit everywhere

I was diggin thru a few boxes while I was spring cleaning and found something, decided to share.
Photo on far right was taken yesterday.

edit : haha i didnt realize i had those in there before. But anyone who has better demo pics should post them up
Or if you still got your ticket post up a pic, how many of you were there?

few more demo pics. Ill take more when i go down with the good camera

I should have kept my ticket for that game, my old roommate my still have his

I still have my ticket from the final game.

Would sell for right price.

You should scoop up some bricks and make some plaques and sell them, stupid people will buy them.

smart idea. However my fat ass isnt scaling any fences. Ill have to find some small bolt cutters then.
Asbestos anyone?

i have that exact ticket as well.