Mercedes AMG Crossfire or Idiot?

Anyone know why this would be on there?..

if it is a SRT-6 it is an AMG

yes the srt-6 is sold in europe as a mercedes AMG

omg that is gay, even if it really is a amg, haha

Ya I wouldn’t put it on my car either. That said, the Crossfire is just a rebodied last gen SLK (just like the 300C is a rebodied last gen e-class). The SRT-6 version is the same as the last gen SLK 320? AMG.

SLK 32

and I can not tell if this is suppose to be funny or you really do not know what you area talking about

:tdown: to crossfires

Ha! You were in a work van. I had some guy in a work van trying to race me, egging me on smiling ect. Hard to tell a car enthusiast when they’re in a van. :wink:

all truly classy cars state their make and model in the fucking window

bravo sir

yeah, i’ve seen him around. He has a huge “Mercedes” or “AMG” banner going across the windshield as well. I think he works at the Dunn Tire on Main/Transit. That’s where i always see it.

it’s still a Chrysler IMO.

good thing we don’t live in europe no isn’t it? :bloated:

the thing is…the guy was too cheap to buy an actual slk so he went with the crossfire insted but he wants everyone to know that his car IS actually a benz. fucking loser

Jeremy Clarkson was right

meh, it’s still an SRT-6. It’s gotta count for something :gotme:

and it has northtown tags on it… lol

and I can not tell if this is suppose to be funny or you really do not know what you area talking about[/quote]

I was thinking of Brabus V8…sorry. brabus=M.B. tuner. so i was thinking it was M.B. AMG = Crossfire


and I’ve also seen that crossfire around… floored it past me in thick traffic on maple :wtf:

Actually, I think this car looks very similar to a penis;

it said amg supercharged i think