Merry Christmas ya fucks

Let’s just say some gifts weren’t exchanged this year…with me being a felon and all.

I got my 3 year old nephew a helmet. He hasn’t taken it off.

Did you go to Ferguson to shop and exchange?

I can honestly say that this is the first year that I was just forward to was spending time with my friends and family. Now that I have a niece, I look at the holidays totally different. I’m sure that will change even more when I have kids. Growing up I guess…

I baked a killer ham this year and ate way too many Christmas cookies. I would say it was successful. :tup:

      • Updated - - -

At least you won’t be a felon for huffing aerosol from a can in a Walmart bathroom while your son waits outside the door… #Silverlining ?

For reference:


Fixed just for you.