Merry Christmas ya fucks

Merry Christmas to you and yours. Hope everyone has a great one!

Happy Kwanza!

I’ll come back to this when I figure out what I want to say.

Happy Hanukkah

Forgot the “c” you “d”.
Merry Christmas, ya filthy animal

Huh? You want my D in your C?

Gonna break off my F in someone’s A.

any of you guys with kids notice that since there are so few people having families these days that your kids get spoiled beyond compare by everyone else?

i literally do not buy christmas or birthday gifts for y kids because they get so much. they must have received 15 lego sets yesterday… more than they could ever appreciate.

my wife and I put about 9 of them aside to hold for future gifts / bribes.

heck, they received doubles (as in two more) of sets they already have…

it’s crazy

I remember my parents giving my sister and I a $200 limit for Christmas. I couldn’t imagine the parents who HAVE to buy their piss pot spoiled brats, iShit, Xbox One, Laptops, etc…

Anyone get anything completely ridiculous?

I’ve grown well out of that age where I ask my parents for anything, and just value the time spent around the holiday’s. With that being said, my father never fails to amaze me on completely random gifts that I will never use. This year, I ended up with a deli/meat slicer. lol

yeah fortunately my boys are too young still for those expensive systems and computers but it’s coming soon.

Christmas was a mess for numerous reasons. that said, I’m pretty stoked because my gift from my parents is a trip to Poland. other than that my girlfriend got me a shmancy watch, new wallet, and tickets for the two of us to Jim Jeffries. She knows me so well.

Rusty Wallace Racing Experience at Holland Speedway, bunch of small stuff and nerf guns.

you have no idea, its my sons first christmas and hes the first grand child and great grand child of both of me and my fiance’s familys. and we both have HUGE familys. (she has 8 brothers to kind of put it in perspective lol) and better yet after all of the gifts and shit he just got for chistmas his 1st birthday is on january 3rd! im screwed.

He’s a year old, who gives a shit, he’ll never remind the year you gave him nothing lol.

yeah but when he’s 5 every single uncle, aunt, grandma, cousin etc. will be trying to win his attention for 2 minutes with a $50 - $100 gift to sooth that part of their own non-baby-yielding guilt or my-kids-are-all-grown-up-guilt

somewhere between 10-15 people / families buying for each of my sons = i don’t have to buy anything.

I have no idea how my parents bought for us kids. We didn’t have a lot of money and were on one income pretty much all my life.

I got my mom Garth Brooks tickets this year and she was in tears. That was a present enough for me. She works harder than anyone I know and has had to deal with a lot. She usually just asks for boring gift cards or little piddly crap when I ask her. This year it was a complete surprise.

yeah who ever makes mom or dad cry with a thoughtful gift wins christmas.

my sister won this year with a mahjong table present for my mom.

Fortunately I never had to deal with any family members buying my kids presents that they didn’t need. I have 10 brothers and sisters and my husband has 6. Between the two of us we have over 40 nieces and nephews. We have never bought presents for them for birthdays or Christmas and vice versa. We all decided early on that it was totally unnecessary to even start that whole mess. They only received gifts for a birthday or Christmas from their Grandparents ( of which there is only 1 left) and even then it was just an ornament for Christmas to start their own collection for when they get married or move out and for birthdays they got $20 max which was always put in their bank account. Hell I never even let my kids have birthday parties with all their friends growing up because I thought it was ridiculous for them to get all that stuff. Birthdays consisted of cake and ice cream at the house with Grandparents and God Parents only.

i think that is the answer right there. you’re in the opposite position but that is probably generational.

my cousins have 5 people in their family aged 28 to 34 and the oldest just had the first kid, now 2 years old. he is going to get mega spoiled because he’ll have his 4 aunts and uncles trying to spoil him, his grand parents (divorced), and all of my family and other cousins buying for him. Our ratios are reversed because of the 14 siblings / cousins several will not have any kids and none of us will have families as large as our parents (4 or 5 kids doesn’t happen these days)