message i just received...

From: “RMUalum RMUalum” <>
Subject: A message from the RMU Alumni Association President

Dear RMU alumna/nus:

Like you, I have many opportunities to volunteer and contribute to
numerous worthwhile efforts. As a leader in higher education for over 80
years, I believe RMU is an important institution worthy of my time and
financial support and, indeed, yours.

I ask that you join me in supporting Robert Morris University today!
As a graduate of Robert Morris, your support at any level positively
impacts RMU’s alumni participation rate and is greatly appreciated. From
$5 to $5,000, any size gift is important. Please consider giving at a
level that is convenient for you by May 31 - the end of RMU’s fiscal

To make your gift today, please visit the RMU website at You may make an unrestricted gift or even designate your
gift to the School fund of your choice. Thank you for your thoughtful
consideration to invest in Robert Morris University’s future.


Thomas A. Hunley '84
President, RMU Alumni Association

P.S. In many instances your company will match your contribution.
Please check with your human resources department to see if they will match
your gift to RMU!

I love how they ask for this shit… you got to be kidding me. I would love to right back about all the times the institution dicked me over… fucking retards i would never give money to that school for something they will just piss it away on. I think i paid enough in parking tickets for them to build be a statue or something…

maybe i should send them this

Direct Loans Servicing Online

 Sallie Mae 

· 1-01 $26,051.08

Total Loans $30,556.89


that school makes so much fucking money its rediculous. The dorms are shit. Its on a plot of land out in bumfuck moon twp that was probably $10 an acre. Everything the do the do cheap as fuck. I remember my first semester the network was so slow that you couldnt even log onto AIM, and any webpage you tried to load would time out. And before that they just had dial-up… I had several professors that said they taught the same course at CCAC and made almost twice as much… :ugh:

All this for $16,000 a year.

ha. CAL was talking about donating at our graduation ceremony… Fuck them

i’ve been asked to donate from all 3 colleges i went to and didn’t even graduate.

at my business school graduation on Saturday they asked us to donate, but the Dean sorta made a joke of it and said to only donate “if the football and basketball teams are doing well” lol. At the main commencement ceremony on Sunday, there wasn’t a word from anyone about donations, not even the president of the Alumni association…

Oh well, I’d donate/will donate in a heartbeat to Pitt.

whitey do you owe 30000 in loans? if you do, im damn glad i didnt go to college. RMU gave me partial scholarship too, im so happy i didnt go to that palce

no i owe 40k, that was just 2 services that i owe too.

its fine with me, RMU was expensive. but i got a job in my major within 3 weeks of graduation. I am pretty sure thats uncommon these days…

I’m always torn on what to do with donations. I try to give a little bit to the Mech E dept and I can designate what it’s used for (like scholarships). Or at least they tell you that you can say where it’s used. Since I got some grants and scholarships I kind of feel like I should give something back. :dunno: Other times I just say screw them.

ok well… unless you mean w/ dorms too, it still doenst cost 16K per year

now, i won’t dare defend them…b/c i completely agree with you guys!! no arguemtns here… but Bobby Mo is very cheap as far as private schools go… however, it is also very expensive when you look at the big picture… but who isnt??
O well, i was getting paid to go to school whether i went to Bobby mo or Duquesne, so i dont care either way… I agree… too much money… but cheaper than most other places i believe :dunno:

RMU is definitely a very reasonable private school, no doubt about it… Its just funny how they ask for money when their job placement rate is sooooooo low.

and yes RMU is well over 16k a year when living on campus!

Flat Rate Tuition (12-18 credits) $7,113 per semester
Double Occupancy $2,193 per semester
The Jefferson Plan $1,354 per semester

i give donations to the Fraternity, I know they are using it for good.

I would gladly offer time to them to volunteer at functions. But rmu will not receive any money from me to buy a tree, brick or whatever dumbass thing they sell

hey did RMU buy into renaming “beers school road” and make it university blvd ???

bah. RMU is a rip. Its a community college with dorms and 4 year programs. It will probably be a decent school in about 20 years though.


yeah cause most Community Colleges have a Doctorate Program, Medical Undergrad, and an Accredited IS Program.

you are the smartest dumb person i know

meh, they have 3 doctorate courses, and if I recall correctly they only started to offer those to gain University status (I could be wrong though). Dont know shit about the medical undergrad, and the IS program is indeed kick ass.

But, it sucks going to moon high school to watch home football games. the two main (one of them being the one with the basketball court) buildings with classrooms are old as fuck and have the cheapest pos furniture. The dorms suck. the teachers are underpaid. They charge $250 a year to park on campus and then slap you with a ticket every chance they get. less than 1,000 kids stay on campus.

Its not a BAD school. But I do think that its a bit overpriced, and Ive heard you bitch about that before too so dont play like Im coming out of left field. And like I also said, they seem to be reinvesting a lot of the money now, and they have tons of land, so I’m sure in 15 years it will be damn nice.

um, i guess you didn’t know they built a huge football complex, and they are currently redoing John Jay to make it a complete medical facility. And in the next 5 years they are putting in all new dorms. This past year so many people lived on campus they had to buy out two floors in a hotel in robinson. and don’t forget the purchase of the Neville Island Center. this created clubs and other D1 sporting teams. Even roller hockey, something i am sure you would have participated in!

i knew they were building a football stadium. I guess my time there was just a little too early. Good to see they are reinvesting, but that doesnt do much for you and me. And i would have tore shit up in rollerhockey.

starky and 2 brothers are on the team… they won the cup, they whooped on everyone!

it helps me, cause it makes my degree more highly noted! but yeah it doesn’t help me to much now.